Mod 11 check digit

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  • Creator
  • #48647
    Kathy Riggle

      Has anyone written a tcl to calculate a mod11 check digit? I’ve seen the formula, and think I need some help!

      Kathy Rhodes Young, RN, BSN

      Interface Coordinator,  Heritage Valley Health System

      TMC (724) 773-8243  pager (412) 581-0691

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    • Author
      • #59277
        Vince Angulo

          Haven’t seen Modulus 11 since my AS/400 days.  It’s easier to work if you reverse the input value.  This should work:


          # create a list from the input value
          set mInput [split $xlateInVals {}]

          # reverse the list values to a new list
          set mLength [llength $mInput]
          set a [expr $mLength – 1]
          set mReverse {}
          foreach i $mInput {
          lappend mReverse [lindex $mInput $a]
          incr a -1

          # create a list with enough repeating weight elements
          # there are different weight values, AS/400 commonly used 2-7
          set mCount [expr int($mLength / 6) + 1]
          set mWeight {}
          for {set j 0} {$j < $mCount} {incr j} {
          lappend mWeight 2 3 4 5 6 7

          # aggregate the products of the input and weight elements
          set mSum 0
          for {set k 0} {$k < $mLength} {incr k} {
          set mSum [expr $mSum + ([lindex $mReverse $k] * [lindex $mWeight $k])]

          # determine and evaluate the remainder
          set mMod [expr $mSum % 11]
          switch — $mMod {
          0; {set mMod11 "0"}
          1; {set mMod11 "X"}
          default {set mMod11 [expr 11 – $mMod]}

          # tag the check digit onto the input list and turn it back to a string
          set xlateOutVals [join [lappend mInput $mMod11] {}]

          Not exactly elegant, but functional…Maybe someone with stronger tcl chops can simplify it!!

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