I recently created a fileset-local based thread that takes messages and basically moves them somewhere else. I’ll be adding translation and other things once I get this first step working.
Server is Windows 2008 and Cloverleaf is 6.0.2.
So I get a big message from another system, then use a file splitting program so that Cloverleaf can parse it. I have split 2 files so far, containing 152 and 131 messages, and each time the system processes the directory, it end up dropping 1 file. When I have the full quantity it does drop one. I have done 30-30-30-62 drops and that worked. Then I did it again and it dropped one of the 62 files.
It’s not the first file, and not the last. And the missing file does not show up in the SMAT file. So, is there a way to trace what the system is doing between file pick-up and inserting into the SMAT?