Message split/join issue

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Message split/join issue

  • Creator
  • #121524
    Jason Russell

      Howdy all,

      So I’ve come across a rather odd issue. We have a script that is running some data and placing it in a field then passing that field on to the translate. However, when rejoining the string, it breaks the way the lists are set up and I cannot figure out /why/.

      Here is the code. there’s a lot commented out as we’re moving pieces back into the translate, but this script breaks the message before it gets back.

      proc tps_epic2athg_ORUfilter { args } {
      global HciConnName
      keylget args MODE mode
      set ctx “” ; keylget args CONTEXT ctx
      set module “tps_res2athg_ORUfilter/$HciConnName/$ctx”
      set uargs {} ; keylget args ARGS uargs
      set debug 0
      catch {keylget uargs DEBUG debug}
      set dispList {}
      set disp “KILL”

      switch -exact — $mode {
      start {}

      run {
      keylget args MSGID mh
      set msg [msgget $mh]
      set fieldSep [string index $msg 3]
      set subSep [string index $msg 4]
      set repSep [string index $msg 5]
      set segList [split $msg \r]
      set MSH [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $segList “^MSH”]
      # echo $MSH
      set MSHSplit [split $MSH $fieldSep]
      echo “MSHSPlit: $MSHSplit”
      set PID [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $segList “^PID”]
      set PIDSplit [split $PID $fieldSep]
      set PV1 [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $segList “^PV1”]
      set obrList [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $segList “^OBR”]
      set obrCount 0

      # set obr16_ID “”
      foreach obr $obrList {
      set obr25 [lindex [split $obr $fieldSep] 25]

      # if { $obrCount == 0} {
      # set obr16_ID [lindex [split [lindex [split $obr $fieldSep] 16] $subSep] 0]
      # set obrCount 1
      # }

      if {$obr25 == “F”} {
      set disp “CONTINUE”
      # echo $disp


      # set MSHSplit [lreplace $MSHSplit 5 5 “”]
      # set PIDSplit [lreplace $PIDSplit 3 3 “”]

      #build data to send
      set thread [msgmetaget $mh DESTCONN]
      set dbName “db_eMFCC_PatList”
      set env [lindex [split $::env(HCISITE) _] 0]
      set mode “select”
      set fac [lindex $MSHSplit 3]
      set key [lindex [split $PV1 $fieldSep] 19]

      # DB call and return.
      set ret [sub_dataBase “thread=$thread” “dbName=$dbName” “env=$env” “mode=$mode” “fac=$fac” “key=$key”]

      echo “PidSplitb4: $PIDSplit”
      set retStatus [lindex [split $ret |] 0]
      set retData [lindex [split $ret |] 2]

      if { $retStatus != “Okay” } {
      set disp “KILL”
      } else {
      set PIDSplit [lreplace $PIDSplit 3 3 $retData]
      # set retDatLen [string length $retData]
      # echo $retDatLen
      # if {$retDatLen > 0} {
      # set MSHSplit [lreplace $MSHSplit 5 5 “1215”]
      # } else {
      # set MSH6 [tbllookup epic2athG-context.tbl $obr16_ID]
      # echo $MSH6
      # echo $obr16_ID
      # if {$MSH6 != “UNKNOWN”} {
      # set MSHSplit [lreplace $MSHSplit 5 5 $MSH6]
      # } else {
      # set disp “KILL”
      # }
      # }
      echo “Before $segList”
      set segList [lreplace $segList 1 1 [join $PIDSplit $fieldSep]]
      echo “After: $segList”
      set msg [join $segList \r]
      # echo $msg
      msgset $mh $msg
      # echo $mh
      lappend dispList “$disp $mh”
      # echo $dispList

      time {}
      shutdown {}
      default {
      error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in $module”

      return $dispList


      Ironically, I’ve done this in another script and it works fine. I cannot see why. Here is the output with a lot of segments and whatnot removed, but the problem is still there (look at the after line):

      Please Wait ……
      Command Issued: hcitpstest -r run -x ASCII -f nl -c sms_ib_data -e “hcitpstestshowbydisp ” /opt/cloverleaf/cis20.1/integrator/sd_lab1/indata/jmr “tps_epic2athg_ORUfilter”
      Command output:

      Command Arguments: thread= dbName=db_eMFCC_PatList env=sd mode=select fac=MRH key= {Error: Thread Name Required.

      PidSplitb4: \{PID 1 {} 12345678^^^EPI^MR {} LAST^FIRST^MIDDLE {} \}


      Before {MSH|^~\&|Epic|MRH|||} {PID|1||12345678^^^EPI^MR||LAST^FIRST^MIDDLE|} {NK1|1|LAST^FIRST} {PV1|1|Emergency}

      After: {MSH|^~\&|Epic|MRH|||} {{PID|1||12345678^^^EPI^MR||LAST^FIRST^MIDDLE|}} {NK1|1|LAST^FIRST} {PV1|1|Emergency}

      KILL: ‘MSH|^~\&|Epic|MRH|||


      I honestly at the end of my rope with this, I have no clue why it’s doing this.

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    • Author
      • #121525
        David Barr

          This code:

          set PID [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $segList “^PID”]

          returns a list in $PID. This code:

          set PIDSplit [split $PID $fieldSep]

          expects $PID to contain a string, not a list.

          You might be able to able to fix this by getting rid of the -all. If you really do need to handle more than one PID segment then you would probably need to add a loop to your code to iterate over all the matched segments.


          • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by David Barr.
        • #121527
          David Barr
            Also, you’re better off storing the position of the PID segment in a variable (PIDpos below) so you don’t have to assume it’s the second segment when putting it back in the message. I haven’t tested these changes at all, so there may be other issues.
            proc tps_epic2athg_ORUfilter { args } {
                global HciConnName
                keylget args MODE mode
                set ctx “” ; keylget args CONTEXT ctx
                set module “tps_res2athg_ORUfilter/$HciConnName/$ctx”
                set uargs {} ; keylget args ARGS uargs
                set debug 0
                catch {keylget uargs DEBUG debug}
                set dispList {}
                set disp “KILL”
                switch -exact — $mode {
                  start {}
                  run {
                      keylget args MSGID mh
                      set msg [msgget $mh]
                      set fieldSep [string index $msg 3]
                      set subSep [string index $msg 4]
                      set repSep [string index $msg 5]
                      set segList [split $msg \r]
                      set MSH [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $segList “^MSH”]
                      # echo $MSH
                      set MSHSplit [split $MSH $fieldSep]
                      echo “MSHSPlit: $MSHSplit”
                      set PIDpos [lsearch -regexp $segList “^PID”]
                      set PID [lindex $segList $PIDpos]
                      set PIDSplit [split $PID $fieldSep]
                      set PV1 [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $segList “^PV1”]
                      set obrList [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $segList “^OBR”]
                      set obrCount 0
                      # set obr16_ID “”
                      foreach obr $obrList {
                        set obr25 [lindex [split $obr $fieldSep] 25]
                        # if { $obrCount == 0} {
                        # set obr16_ID [lindex [split [lindex [split $obr $fieldSep] 16] $subSep] 0]
                        # set obrCount 1
                        # }
                        if {$obr25 == “F”} {
                            set disp “CONTINUE”
                            # echo $disp
                      # set MSHSplit [lreplace $MSHSplit 5 5 “”]
                      # set PIDSplit [lreplace $PIDSplit 3 3 “”]
                      #build data to send
                      set thread [msgmetaget $mh DESTCONN]
                      set dbName “db_eMFCC_PatList”
                      set env [lindex [split $::env(HCISITE) _] 0]
                      set mode “select”
                      set fac [lindex $MSHSplit 3]
                      set key [lindex [split $PV1 $fieldSep] 19]
                      # DB call and return.
                      set ret [sub_dataBase “thread=$thread” “dbName=$dbName” “env=$env” “mode=$mode” “fac=$fac” “key=$key”]
                      echo “PidSplitb4: $PIDSplit”
                      set retStatus [lindex [split $ret |] 0]
                      set retData [lindex [split $ret |] 2]
                      if { $retStatus != “Okay” } {
                        set disp “KILL”
                      } else {
                        set PIDSplit [lreplace $PIDSplit 3 3 $retData]
                        # set retDatLen [string length $retData]
                        # echo $retDatLen
                        # if {$retDatLen > 0} {
                        # set MSHSplit [lreplace $MSHSplit 5 5 “1215”]
                        # } else {
                        # set MSH6 [tbllookup epic2athG-context.tbl $obr16_ID]
                        # echo $MSH6
                        # echo $obr16_ID
                        # if {$MSH6 != “UNKNOWN”} {
                        # set MSHSplit [lreplace $MSHSplit 5 5 $MSH6]
                        # } else {
                        # set disp “KILL”
                        # }
                        # }
                      echo “Before $segList”
                      set segList [lreplace $segList $PIDpos $PIDpos [join $PIDSplit $fieldSep]]
                      echo “After: $segList”
                      set msg [join $segList \r]
                      # echo $msg
                      msgset $mh $msg
                      # echo $mh
                      lappend dispList “$disp $mh”
                      # echo $dispList
                  time {}
                  shutdown {}
                  default {
                      error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in $module”
                return $dispList
          • #121528
            Jason Russell

              Thank you, the -all was throwing it all off. Generally the small things when referencing other code.

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