Mckesson’s PhramcyRX product

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  • Creator
  • #53920
    Bob Schmid

      Anyone out there any experience with integration work with the Mckesson product EnterpriseRx Suite ?

      Want general understanding of things to consider in terms of integratino tasks.

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    • Author
      • #79532
        Chad Flodman

          I have setup interfaces between HMM (McKesson Rx) and their “automation” product line of AcuDose (Med cabinets) – ConnectRx (The interface application for the whole automation line), PacMed, RobotRx (Pharmacy Robot).

          Also, I believe the HMM application is being retired as a product and being replaced by the McKesson Paragon product with Rx application included in this line.

          Overall it’s pretty straight forward, and basic messages – ADT, RGV, RDE, OMP, RAS, DFT etc….  There’s one custom message for pocket loads/charging purposes from the AcuDose cabinet line.

          Also, make sure your MPI (EMPI) values (PID-2, PID3) for your environment are correctly setup and your structure is followed at the begining of the install of these products – especially if you’re multi-facility, multi-entity.  You may even have to push back on some of the installers to get them to do this correctly, but it’s critical to on-going support of the applicaitons and ease of interface support and application interoperability from install forward.

          Historically, the vendor and the Rx product line don’t seem to like to run their interfaces throuh an engine.  They don’t say this, but you get the feeling they’d really like these to be point-to-point interfaces from 20+ years ago.  I’d strongly recommed that you use your engine as I can’t count the number of flawed messages, segement and fields I’ve had to adjust in this product line.

        • #79533
          Bob Schmid

            Thanks Chad !!!!

            Is this the Mckesson EnterpriseRX product or is it their Medsmanager procuct that you are describing ..interfacing with?

          • #79534
            Chad Flodman

              Yes, ours is the HMM Meds Manager that I’m describing.  We are in “talks” to move to the McKesson Paragon platform.  Which is part of their “Better Health” initiative to retire their HORIZON application line in favor of Paragon.

              So we’ll be chaning our set-up with-in the next 1-2 years in relation to Pharmacy.

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