Your mnemonic is ITCFM, 7 screens back…. We are not setup this way in production, however, I tried flipping the bolded parms to Yes on our test box and bouncing. I expected to have the transmit error out when I stopped the thread on the engine. It did. Then after the inbound on the engine was Up I expected the transmit to start up on its own. It never did. I think I might run this by McKesson since they are here this week for 11.0 upgrade training. If I learn something I’ll post it here.
Transmit/Extract Options: Page 1
Extended transaction logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y (Y/N)
Auto start transmit/extract in the Nightly Job Stream . Y (Y/N)
Auto restart transmit from the extract program . . . . N (Y/N)
Auto restart extract from the transmit program . . . . N (Y/N)
Sleep time after all records have been transmitted . . 20 (seconds)
Number of negative acknowledges before error . . . . . 5 (times)
Transmit job name prefix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QDX
Auto restart on timeout/NAK limit error . . . . . . . . N (Y/N/P)
Wait time for acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 (seconds)
Transmit STAT orders before non-STAT orders . . . . . . Y (Y/N)
Send cancel code on order cancel transactions . . . . . Y (Y/N)