The problem for me is that the OBX segment repeats and depending on what data is (or is not) entered on the sending system, I could receive, for example, three or four occurrences of the OBX segment in one message. (The number of occurrences of the OBX segment depends on how much data is entered for the order on the sending system.) The other catch is that the text that I have been asked to move to a field in the OBR segment comes in the OBX-5.1 field of each occurrence of the OBX segment.
Does anyone know how (or if it is possible) to do this?
OBR|1|366088161^HNAM_ORDERID||02376^Bone Density DXA Central|||||||||||CD:1407&Rad Type|30^Curtis MD^Dwight^^^^^^LOU Prsnl ID^Personnel^^^PRSNLID^””||||00000DX20060000242^HNA_ACCN~5309147^HNA_ACCNID~1028291^HNA_PACSID|MOP DX 2|20060830133333||Diagnostic|||1^^0^20060830133200^^CD:201773|||3|^Don’t want this to go to Star anymore.
OBX|2|ST|Special Instructions Additional Informat^Special Instructions Additional Informat||Please populate the comment field on Star
OBX|3|IS|Reason for Exam Lourdes^Reason for Exam Lourdes||SHORTNESS OF BREATH
In the third occurrence of the OBX segment, I need to move the value in OBX-5.1 to OBR-31.2. This value will not always be the same. It will change all the time. If this value says “UNLISTED – GO TO REASON FOR EXAM – OTHER”, then there would be an additional occurrence of the OBX segment. For this example that would mean there were four occurrences of the OBX segment. Then, the field that says “SHORTNESS OF BREATH” in this example would actually appear in a fourth occurrence of the OBX segment. Instead of reading “SHORTNESS OF BREATH”, it would read “UNLISTED – GO TO REASON FOR EXAM – OTHER”. I would then need to move the value in the third occurrence of the OBX segment (field 5.1) to OBR-31.2.
The other thing that I would need to do is take the value of the second occurrence of the OBX segment (in this example) that reads “Please populate the comment field on Star” to the NTE-3.1 field.
The biggest problem is that I don’t know what the values of these fields will be and the fields can be in different occurrences of the OBX segment.
I hope this isn’t too confusing. I tried to explain as best I could.
Ariba Jones