V5.2 on AIX
I am trying to send a Low level ACK to Eclipsys SCM. x6 for Ack and x15 for Nak. We are having problem with that, so I turned on the “enable_all” but I did not see anything related to this low level ack, only the application level ack is there, why?
Attached are the log file and the tcl I use to send the ack.
if [cequal $ack_type “AA”] {
# Build a low-level ACK
set lowACK x6
set lowAckMsg [msgcreate -type reply]
msgset $lowAckMsg $lowACK
return “{OVER $lowAckMsg} {CONTINUE $mh} {OVER $obMsg}”
} else {
# Build a low-level NAK
set lowACK x15
set lowAckMsg [msgcreate -type reply]
msgset $lowAckMsg $lowACK
return “{OVER $lowAckMsg} {KILL $mh} {OVER $obMsg}”
Thanks for any help!
Sam 8)