Lookup table

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  • Creator
  • #48042
    Mark Perschbacher

      Is there a way to build a lookup table, or maybe build a COPY command within an xlate, such that if Cloverleaf doesn’t find a match within the table, it will send across a constant?

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    • Author
      • #57432
        Elizabeth Wilson

          How about defining the constant as the DEFAULT in the table

        • #57433
          garry r fisher


            I use lookup tables this way regularly. I define my default to some thing like NONE, pass the result of the lookup into a temporary value and then check this using an IF statement. I then COPY the relevant value based upon the result of the IF.

            Hope this helps.


          • #57434
            Mark Perschbacher

              The default value worked fine.  Another lookup table question, have either of you tried entering a lookup value with a wild card.  In other words, REGENCE@, would catch REGENCE PPO, REGENCE PRIMARY CARE,etc?

            • #57435
              Jim Kosloskey


                To my knowledge the Table Lookup does not support wild cards.

                Jim Kosloskey

                email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #57436
                garry r fisher


                  I’m not aware of a wild card option in lookup tables. It would be nice.


                • #57437
                  Steve Carter

                    Here’s a thought on the wildcard table lookup…

                    If you can load the table on the fly and convert it into 2 lists, 1 for input and 2nd for output.  You could then search either side of the list using a wildcard and then reference the matching element in the other list.

                    I’ve done the first part, but haven’t had any need for a wildcard lookup in a table.

                    Steve Carter

                  • #57438
                    Mark Perschbacher

                      Steve, interesting idea.  Could you provide a skeleton proc on how you are proposing to do this.  I am a Cloverleaf newbie, so please bear with.  How would you insert this into the xlate?  The data I am pointing at the table is coming from a VRL file, and I thought about running it through a proc before it hits the table with some IF statements that would take similar inputs, and send out a standard output.  This table is for insurance company names, and there are lots of similar, but slightly different names.

                    • #57439
                      Steve Carter

                        No skeleton, but it’s fairly straight forward:


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