Here is a script to get all the sites and then all the processes in a site. It is a UNIX shell script.
I do have another script, a tcl scrip, that will get all inbound threads, but it is very crude, except for the parts I copied from Clovertech. I hesitate to share it yet because I think there is a better way to code it.
I think there must be a way to read in a copy of the NetConfig and treat each thread definition (protocol) as a keyed list, and then use keylget commands to get the thread name and the OUTBOUNDONLY parameter. Maybe someone can share that code.
I must warn you that the method I used to identify an inbound script is not 100% accurate. Because Cloverleaf is so flexible, any thread can be used for both inbound and outbound messaging. So what I did was to identify any thread that did not have the OUTBOUNDONLY check box checked on the Inbound configuration section (value not equal to 1). So that may not be correct for each interface.
Also, it does not actually issue the Stop command, but you can add that function to the script without much effort, right in the section of code that returns the names of the inbound threads.
sites=`ls /$hld/$clversion/*/NetConfig | awk -F/ ‘{print $4}’`
for site in $sites
setsite $site
echo “——————————————————————”
echo “site: $site”
cat /$hld/$clversion/$site/NetConfig > $tmpcfg
# loop through each process in the site
processes=`ls /$hld/$clversion/$site/exec/processes`
for process in $processes;do
echo ” process: $process”
# loop through each thread
threads=`getProcessInboundThreads.tcl $site $tmpcfg $process`
for thread in $threads;do
echo ” inbound thread: $thread”
exit 0
#! /usr/bin/ksh
# The following line is seen as a continuecomment by Tcl
exec $QUOVADX_INSTALL_DIR/integrator/bin/hcitcl “$0” ${1+”$@”}
set site [lindex $argv 0 ]
set cfile [lindex $argv 1]
set process [lindex $argv 2]
set hfile [open $cfile r]
set config [read $hfile]
close $hfile
set threads {}
set ct 0
set lconfig [split “$config” “n”]
foreach line $lconfig {
if {[string range $line 0 7] eq “protocol”} {
set thread [lindex [split $line ” “] 1]
set start [string first “protocol $thread” “$config”]
set start [expr $start + 9 + [string length $thread]]
set end [expr [string first “nprotocol” “$config” $start] – 1]
if {$end < 0} {
set kprotocol [string range "$config" $start end]
} else {
set kprotocol [string range "$config" $start $end]
set start [expr [string first "{" "$kprotocol"] + 1]
set end [expr [string last "}" "$kprotocol"] – 1]
set kprotocol [string range "$kprotocol" $start $end]
set tprocess [keylget kprotocol PROCESSNAME]
set tprocess [string trim "$tprocess"]
if {"$tprocess" eq "$process"} {
set outboundonly [keylget kprotocol OUTBOUNDONLY]
if {!$outboundonly} {
lappend threads $thread
set newthreads [lsort -unique $threads ]
foreach thread $newthreads {echo $thread}
exit 0
Peter Heggie