Logs for messages deleted in Recovery Database

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Logs for messages deleted in Recovery Database

  • Creator
  • #53428
    Mohammed Muzammil


      I wondered if messages deleted from a recovery database are logged.

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    • Author
      • #77666
        Russ Ross

          At a UNIX shell prompt type hcidbdump to see the args you can use with hcidbdump.

          So one example might look like this assuming an inbound thread named in_1 that sends to a couple of outbound threads called out_1 and out_2.

          First stop the inbound thread so you have no new messages coming in.

          In this example, I will dump message in the recovery database to a file (myFile) going to be delivered to outbound thread out_2, while keeping them in chronological order based on inbound arrival

          hcidbdump -r -d out_2 -O i myFile

          Then I look at what is in the myFile to make sure I’m comfortable and then recall the previous command and add -D on the end to save the messages again plus delete them from the recovery database.

          hcidbdump -r -d out_2 -O i myFile -D

          Now you have a record of what was deleted from the recovery database saved in myFile.

          The GUI/IDE might also have some of this function but I started life on the backend using hcidbdump and never ended up using the front end for database manipulation.

          Russ Ross

        • #77667
          Mohammed Muzammil

            thanks Ross – I will take a note of that.

            In my case, the messages were deleted via the GUI, and it was only later that I wanted to check which of them were actually deleted.

            I know recovery db stores messages at various different states throughout a message journey.

            Can it be confirmed that if a message is deleted from the recovery DB then surely it has not been sent to the outbound system? (unless obviously the inbound system resends the message)


          • #77668
            Jim Kosloskey

              You could always check your outbound SMAT to make sure the messages were not sent if that is your primary concern.

              email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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