› Clovertech Forums › Read Only Archives › Cloverleaf › Cloverleaf › Limit outgoing NTE segments to be less than 60 characters
Hi Adam,
I don’t have a script for this specific case, but I can help you with some scripts. Basically what you need to do is:
* Iterate through all NTE segments and collect all text into one big text.
* Split this text into lines, where each line is no longer than 60 characters.
* Build new NTE segments based on the split lines.
For the second step I have made some scripts. These are old scripts (I can see lots of cconcat and clength commands, which I wouldn’t use anymore) but they should still do what you need.
I normally call this script from an Xlate:
set xlateOutVals [orbis_split_hl7_text [lindex $xlateInVals 0] 72]
The proc is:
proc orbis_split_hl7_text { itekst {ilengte 80}} {
# This procedure splits an HL7-text into a list of separate lines. The HL7-text is split on .br.
# If one of the separate lines is longer than $lengte then this line is reformatted into
# lines of max. $lengte length.
# returned is a list of separate lines and the number of elements in the list
set ireturnlist {};
set iregels {};
set newlist {};
set iblok “”;
# Splits de tekst op Break
regsub -all {\.br\} $itekst x0f iblok;
set iregels [split $iblok x0f];
# Nagaan of elke regel korter is dan het gestelde maximum
set ifout “”;
foreach iregel $iregels {
if { [clength $iregel] > $ilengte } then {
# regel te lang: opsplitsen en elke regel aan nieuwe lijst toevoegen
foreach newregel [orbis_split_tekst $iregel $ilengte] {
lappend newlist $newregel
} else {
# anders regel gewoon aan nieuwe lijst toevoegen
lappend newlist $iregel
return [list $newlist [llength $newlist]];
And you will need this proc as well:
proc orbis_split_tekst { tekst {lengte 80}} {
# This procedure checks whether (a part of) an additional LAB-text is longer than $lengte characters
# If so, this text is split into separate parts; the list of parts is returned.
set returnlist {};
if {[string length $tekst] > $lengte} {
# String is te lang: opsplitsen in woorden.
set woordlist [split $tekst ” “];
# Tevens wordt er een lege ‘nieuwe tekst’ aangelegd
set newtekst “”;
# Alle woorden worden nu doorlopen
foreach woord $woordlist {
if { [clength $newtekst] == 0} {
# Eerste woord: gewoon toevoegen (zonder spatie) aan ‘newtekst’
set newtekst $woord;
} else {
# Indien er een x0e (andere representatie van .br) volgt: nieuwe regel
if {[cequal $woord x0e]} then {
set returnlist [lappend returnlist $newtekst];
set newtekst “”;
} else {
# Nu wordt de ‘nieuwe’ lengte bepaald: lengte ‘woord’ + lengte ‘nieuwe tekst’ + 1 (spatie)
set nl [expr [clength $woord] + [clength $newtekst] + 1];
# Als ‘nieuwe’ lengte groter dan $lengte, dan wordt de ‘newtekst’ aan de ‘returnlist’ toegevoegd
if {$nl > $lengte} {
set returnlist [lappend returnlist $newtekst];
set newtekst $woord;
} else {
# Anders wordt ‘woord’ aan ‘newtekst’ (met een spatie) toegevoegd
set newtekst [string trim [cconcat $newtekst ” ” $woord]]
# De laatste ‘newtekst’ wordt nog aan de ‘returnlist’ toegevoegd.
lappend returnlist $newtekst;
} else {
# Hele tekst kan aan returnlist worden toegevoegd
if {[string length $tekst] > 0} {
lappend returnlist $tekst;
return $returnlist;
Of course lots of comments in Dutch, just ignore these. Hope this helps.
There will be some extensions out there that will do the same and faster/better, but this worked for me.
Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands
Here’s the code I use to break lines at word boundaries.
namespace eval crmcHL7utils {
proc crmcHL7utils::breakLineInitOutArray { outArrayName } {
upvar $outArrayName outArray
catch {unset outArray}
set outArray(numElements) 0
proc crmcHL7utils::breakLineSetOutArrayElement { outArrayName str } {
upvar $outArrayName outArray
set outArray($outArray(numElements)) $str
incr outArray(numElements)
proc crmcHL7utils::breakLineAtWord { inStr maxChars trimLeftWhitespace outArrayName } {
upvar $outArrayName outArray
crmcHL7utils::breakLineInitOutArray outArray
set maxI [expr $maxChars – 1]
# break lines longer than maxChars
if { [string length $inStr] } {
# break lines longer than $maxChars
while { [string length $inStr] > $maxChars } {
# get word start character nearest to max line length
if { [set wi [string wordstart $inStr $maxI]] force break at $maxI so we don’t loop forever….
set wi $maxI
} else {
incr wi -1
# added this code 10/17/2014 – jld
# … to accomodate number strings that contain non alpha/numeric data
# something like 1:200,000 – can break at the comma or colon, so we
# back up $wi until we find a space to keep this ratio as a single string
# It may also find non-alphanumeric separated strings – such as “bob/fred/john”
# or “my pockets contain coins,phone,cash” – that may be OK broken at slash or
# comma, but it should be better than separating strings that should remain
# intact
while { [string index $inStr $wi] ne ” ” && $wi >= 0 } {
incr wi -1
if { $wi force break at $maxI so we don’t loop forever….
set wi $maxI
crmcHL7utils::breakLineSetOutArrayElement outArray [string trimright [string range $inStr 0 $wi]]
if { $trimLeftWhitespace } {
set inStr [string trimleft [string range $inStr [incr wi] end]]
} else {
set inStr [string range $inStr [incr wi] end]
if { [string length $inStr] } {
# Write the remainder of the line if any
crmcHL7utils::breakLineSetOutArrayElement outArray $inStr
} else {
# Special case – zero length line (would be skipeed by for loop above)
crmcHL7utils::breakLineSetOutArrayElement outArray $inStr
return 1
Usage is something like this:
crmcHL7utils::breakLineAtWord $obx5 80 1 outArray
for { set i 0 } { $i > depending on outbound message requirements, you may need to insert new segments to hold the broken lines
Jeff Dinsmore
Chesapeake Regional Healthcare