less than 10% of Virtual memory left!

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf less than 10% of Virtual memory left!

  • Creator
  • #48969
    Eileen Pitts

      How would I go about figuring out why we get  “There is less than 10% of Virtual memory left!” message.  We are now getting this 1 – 2 times a week and it brings down processes.  We are on QDX 5.3 on a Unix box.

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    • Author
      • #60266
        Glenn Friedenreich

          Hi Eileen – Try lsps -s to see paging space used, e.g.

          $ lsps -s

          Total Paging Space   Percent Used

               2048MB              41%

          You can then cycle each of your processes and repeat the lsps -s command after cycling each to see if the Percent Used decreases.  It sounds like you may have a memory leak issue.  We have this problem with two processes and need to cycle them every few days to release paging memory.  We’re on Cloverleaf 5.3.0 on AIX.  Hopefully when we upgrade we’ll see the memory leak problems go away.

          – Glenn

        • #60267
          Eileen Pitts

            Thank you, I will do this.  How do we find out where the memory leak is so that we don’t have to cycle the process every couple of days?

          • #60268
            Glenn Friedenreich

              If there is a memory leak in a process, it is probably something that needs to be corrected by Quovadx (via version upgrade).  In our case, we’re running an older ODBC version that has this issue.

              – Glenn

            • #60269
              Jim Kosloskey


                If there is memory leak in one of the Tcl procs used at your facility, you should see the handles which were not cleared in the log at shutdown.

                Jim Kosloskey

                email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

              • #60270
                Eileen Pitts

                  I looked at the log at shutdown and the to_sms_xlate found the leaked handles in the Xlate interpreter.  There are 3570 messages with under the Allocated by column.  Can you give me insight into where to go to find this mess and correct it?

                • #60271
                  Russ Ross

                    Thanks for your post because it caused me to look at my log file a little closer for some new TCL code I wrote.

                    Just so happens I discovered I had overlooked a memory leak because I called


                    and overlooked doing a corresponding


                    to clean up the allocated handle before exiting my TCL proc.

                    On the hopes your memory leak could be similar, try searching your TCL procs for


                    and make sure if any occurrences of grmcreate are found that you make sure there is a corresponding call to


                    to clean up the allocated handle before exiting the TCL proc

                    Here is an example of the extra line of code I ended up adding to solve my problem before exiting the TCL proc

                    if {[info exists ghd]} {grmdestroy $ghd}

                    For those that are curious here are lines from the log file that let me know I had a leaked handle

                    Russ Ross

                  • #60272
                    Craig Weldy

                      When you create a new script, you can test it and check for memory leaks by running it through the testing tool.  Just check the leak detection (don’t remember the exact name) button and run some test data through.  I have made a habit of checking this box anytime I am testing just to make sure I didn’t introduce a probem into my site.

                      This was only after doing just that (putlive leaking scripts) a couple times.

                      Craig Weldy
                      Senior Interface Analyst
                      Beacon Health System
                      South Bend, In, 46615

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