leap year birthdate

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  • Creator
  • #47837
    Kathy Young

      I have a tcl that calculates age for one of our systems. One of the tests is to find out whether the person has had a birthday yet this year. I am converting the birthday to julian dates and subtracting. I found an interesting problem today…. The tcl has a problem with converting the birthday 2/29 to a julian date in a non-leap year. I am enclosing the portion of code that is not working in hopes that someone has a suggestion!

      When the brday came out to 2/29, I get a Tcl callout error {unable to convert date-time string “2/29”}

      #### Get four digit year of birth, month and day, omitting leading zeros

      set byear [string range $dob 0 3]

      if {[string range $dob 4 4] == “0”} {

      set bmonth [string range $dob 5 5]

      } else {set bmonth [string range $dob 4 5]}

      if {[string range $dob 6 6] == “0”} {

      set bday [string range $dob 7 7]

      } else {set bday [string range $dob 6 7]}

      set brday $bmonth/$bday

      set rbjday [clock format [clock scan $brday] -format %j]

      set bjday [string trimleft $rbjday 0]

      #### Have they had a birthday yet this year?

      set ageDays [expr $day – $bday]

      set ageMonths [expr $month – $bmonth]

      set ageYears [expr $year – $byear]

      if {$ageDays < 0} {set ageMonths [expr $ageMonths - 1]} if {$ageMonths < 0} {set ageYears [expr $ageYears - 1]} Thanks! Kathy

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    • Author
      • #56840
        Charlie Bursell

          That’s because when you don’t provide a year, it assumes this year.  

          02/29/2005 is not a legal date

        • #56841
          Kathy Young

            Charlie –

            As always, Thank You!!!

            I figured that was the problem, but didn’t think simply adding the year would resolve it. I am now using “set brday $bmonth/$bday$byear”.

            It works perfectly!


          • #56842
            garry r fisher

              My answers the same as Charlie’s. Whenever you do calculations on dates unless you know for definite that you are working in the current year always include the year in your date string.

              I found out the hard way as well 😀


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