Last send alert not firing

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Last send alert not firing

  • Creator
  • #120711

      I am trying to set up an alert to look for the last sent during a time window.  It is not firing.  Below is my alert. Any tips?

      { NAME {last msg received1} }

      { VALUE lasts }

      { SOURCE fr_emmi_expired }

      { WITH -2 }

      { COMP {>= 1799} }

      { FOR once }

      { WINDOW */12:30-13:30/*/* }

      { ACTION {

      { email {

      { FROM }

      { TO rick.pritchett@xxxxxxx. }

      { SUBJ {No messges for the thread %T between 11:30 AM to 12PM} }

      { MSG {No messges for the thread %T have been sent between 11:30 AM to 12PM Please check.

      [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] Site – web services.} }  } }


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    • Author
      • #120713
        Jerry Sawa

          Is anything in hcimonitord.err or hcomonitord.log for that alert?

          Does alerts.log show that the alert was triggered?

        • #120714
          Jerry Sawa

            The name of your source appears to be a “from” thread that will be receiving data from an external system into your Cloverleaf.  Instead of checking for Last Send, maybe you want to check for Last Receive.

            { VALUE lastr }

          • #120715
            RICK L. PRITCHETT

              The problem is that the from part is a DB read that generates an ORU.

            • #120716
              Jerry Sawa

                So the read is happening (data is being processed by “from” thread) but nothing is being sent outbound?

                Is anything in hcimonitord.err or hcomonitord.log for that alert?


              • #120718
                RICK L. PRITCHETT

                  Straight from files.


                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:08/09/2023 09:43:38] Some fields in WINDOW key are taken as ‘*’
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:08/09/2023 09:43:38] Alert def loaded with warnings:
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–]
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { NAME {last msg received1} }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { VALUE lasts }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { SOURCE fr_emmi_expired }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { WITH -2 }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { COMP {>= 1799} }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { FOR once }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { WINDOW */12:30-13:30/*/* }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { CUSTOMMSG {{ITEM {}} {DELIMITER keyvalue}} }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { ACTION {
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { email {
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { FROM }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { TO }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { SUBJ {No messges for the thread %T between 11:30 AM to 12PM} }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { MSG {No messges for the thread %T have been sent between 11:30 AM to 12PM Please check.
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] Site – web services.} }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] } }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] } }


                  er:aler:INFO/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] } }
                  [aler:aler:INFO/0:_hcimonitord_:08/09/2023 09:43:38] MODE key not found, use ‘actual’ by default.
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:08/09/2023 09:43:38] Some fields in WINDOW key are taken as ‘*’
                  [aler:aler:INFO/0:_hcimonitord_:08/09/2023 09:43:38] New alert ID: #14
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:08/09/2023 09:43:38] Alert def loaded with warnings:
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–]
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { NAME {last msg received1} }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { VALUE lasts }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { SOURCE fr_emmi_expired }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { WITH -2 }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { COMP {>= 1799} }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { FOR once }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { WINDOW */12:30-13:30/*/* }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { CUSTOMMSG {{ITEM {}} {DELIMITER keyvalue}} }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { ACTION {
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { email {
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { FROM }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { TO }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { SUBJ {No messges for the thread %T between 11:30 AM to 12PM} }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] { MSG {No messges for the thread %T have been sent between 11:30 AM to 12PM Please check.
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] Site – web services.} }
                  aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] } }
                  [aler:aler:WARN/0:_hcimonitord_:–/–/—- –:–:–] } }

                • #120719
                  Jerry Sawa

                    What is in there between the 12:30 – 13:30 window when the alert is checking the status.

                    • #120720
                      RICK L. PRITCHETT

                        Yes looking at that time window when the thread does the query.

                    • #120721
                      Jerry Sawa

                        What are the values in PLASTREAD and PLASTWRITE on the Global Monitor for the thread?

                        If PLASTWRITE equals “Never”, the alert won’t trigger as there isn’t a start date/time that can be used to calculate the time since last send.  (At least that’s how it is here).

                        Is data being received by “from” thread but nothing is being sent outbound?


                      • #120722
                        RICK L. PRITCHETT

                          Changed it back to the last received and took out the time window and it worked.

                        • #120724
                          Jerry Sawa

                            Oh, I didn’t know you had previously had it set as last received.  That’s why I had suggested it earlier.  Was that not working?  Just wondering why you changed it from last received to last sent.

                          • #121191
                            Tim Zwieg

                              I’m having similar trouble, I have configured a last received alerts, but cannot get it to fire.
                              My alert is:

                              Alert Type last receive
                              Alert Name SAIisMIX13146 Bounce
                              Source SAIisMIX13146
                              Source Count any
                              Comparing >= 5
                              Duration once
                              Time Window */*/*/*

                              I will adjust the time once I get this to trigger. I have restarted the connection, the last recevied is over a hour old. Ideas?

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