Last receive alert

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  • Creator
  • #47959
    Michael Lacriola

      I have a thread defined as inbound and I want an alert to trigger if the thread has not received any inbound transactions for at least 30 minutes (1800 secs). My alert is defined for last receive, delta is checked, comparing >=1800 at least once between the hours of 0800 and 1700 in the time window. The alert triggers a page. I get the page only when the thread is shutdown and restarted. Is this because it meets the criteria sometime after 1700 and before 0800 and it needs to be reset? Not making much sense to me.

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    • Author
      • #57165
        Mike Grieger

          For our last receive alerts, I’ve got it set as follows: delta is not checked, > 1800  and in the comparing, have N minutes 5.  So, really as written, ours triggers in 35 minutes, but you could just change the 1800 to 1500.  The duration is what I feel is important, because this says the condition must hold true for x amount of time – that stops the false positives of a thread being bounced, etc.

          The other thing to eliminate false positives or inconsistencies is to make sure the alert window is not around the time when a stat reset is done (hcimsiutil -Z)… this clears the monitor daemons ‘memory’ of when last sends/receives happen, and may cause false triggers.

        • #57166
          Gary Atkinson

            I have a question on this subject.  We have inbound charge thread.  This thread only receives data once a day; usually at around 2300.  I want the alert to trigger if the last received msg is greater than 25 hours from when the last message received.  My brain can not seem to write this out in the alert tool, particularly what do I put in the comparing field?

            Also, another alert question.  I have script that will bounce a thread based off the alert condition.  I have the alert set to an outbound queue depth X and instance to “Once”.  My problem is after the thread is bounce, the condition of X is usually met again, because of the queued msgs.  How do I force the alert to only fire once and once only after the condition is met?

            Thanks a lot for your input!!


          • #57167
            Robert Kersemakers

              Hi Gary,

              On your first question: here is an example of what I use. This is for a DFT-batch, that is delivered once every week and where I want to check whether a message (read: the file) has been received (in the last 2700 seconds)

              Source count: all

              Comparing: >=      2700

              Duration: once

              Time Window: * 30 21 * * 2

              The Time Window says to check this alert every Tuesday at 21:30.

              Why do you want to check on 25 hours?

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

            • #57168
              Gary Atkinson

                Thanks Robert!  The duration of once is what I was missing.  The help file is not very helpful on alerts  ðŸ˜¯  

                btw, I meant 24 hrs  ðŸ˜³

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