Knowledge Base of Clovertech question

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  • Creator
  • #116764
    Jim Kosloskey

    The Forum has a Knowledge Base section which is dormant.

    What functionality would the community like to see provided for in this section?

    How to videos, white papers, documentation extension, power points, etc.?

    Please share your thoughts. Include any describing as best you can what tools make sense.

    email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

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  • Author
    • #116784
      Peter Heggie

      I’d like to see both specific, granular, technical examples & solutions, and also wider explanations and explorations of certain areas. Some of the Cloverleaf documentation is almost conversational in style, which I appreciate and helps me learn better (is more complete), while other parts are dry and technical, which don’t always explain the bigger picture.

      I’d like to see videos that explore an area, like one that shows all the parts involved in implementing a database inbound or outbound interface, or how to iterate over a list in an Xlate, or how to deal with nested groups in an Xlate.

      I’d like to see collections of related code – like a collection of regular expressions and the TCL invocation of them.

      Is there a way to store a collection of related posts? Like a permanent collection of all posts related to best software upgrade testing approaches? I think I’ve seen this before in the older Clovertech, where someone has made the effort to search out previous discussions and then inserts links to all these discussions in a new post.

      Just some thoughts..

      Peter Heggie

    • #116785
      Jim Kosloskey

      Thanks Peter.

      Everyone – your input is needed as well.

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #116792
      Levy Lazarre

      First of all, thank you Jim for starting this topic.

      I think the forum would benefit a lot from tutorials, code samples on topics/technologies where the official Cloverleaf documentation is very scant or simply non-existent: Web Services (SOAP and Rest), API calls, JSON processing, JSON Web Token (JWT), TLS, HTTP module, HL7 FHIR, XML processing with tdom…

      Just to name a few where we have little or no guidance as to implementation or best practices.

      Levy Lazarre

    • #116826
      James Cobane

      I concur with both Peter and Levy.  Also information related to best practices (from an Infor perspective) and common maintenance and recovery tasks/recommendations.

      Jim Cobane

    • #116930
      Jim Kosloskey

      OK so how many would be willing to submit presentation, classes, etc. if the Knowledge Base is opened up?

      There are many of you out there who have a lot of experience and knowledge around specific topics. Sharing via whatever toolsets are provided in the KB would just be fair if you also want to extract information from it I would think.

      Also, suggestions for the type of toolset to be used in the KB would be helpful. Video presentations, other technology? Offer what you think would be useful as far as toolsets not just content.

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

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