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I need to kill a messages that have an admit date of greater than 3 days. How is the best way to go about this? not that familiar with clock scan so not sure how to proceed.
clock scan 20160416
clock scan “today”
clock scan “3 days ago”
if {[clock scan ] < [clock scan "3 days ago"]} {
#Kill the message
Just thoughts that may be helpful….
hcitcl>clock scan “today”
hcitcl>clock scan “3 days ago”
hcitcl>clock scan 20160404
I agree that the clock command is very powerful when doing date math
One caveat. If the date value to be scanned contains time (datetime) the scan command expects a list in the form od “date time”
regsub is a simple way to convert a datetime string(there are many other methods):
Assume PV1.44 = 20160420142424 (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)
clock format [clock scan $pv1_44]
Sat Aug 29 00:00:00 ICT 5215215 ;# Not what you wanted
regsub — {(d{8})(.*)} $pv1_44 {1 2} pv1_44
Wed Apr 20 14:24:24 ICT 2016 ;# Much better
I would also recommend that you always catch the result of clock scan. It can be pretty picky and you don’t want to have unhandled Tcl errors.
Something like this:
if { [catch {set scanSec [clock scan “[string range $pv1_44 0 7] [string range $pv1_44 8 13]”]} err] } { puts “handle error here ($err)” } else { puts “[clock format $scanSec -format “%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S – %A”]” }
A value of 20160420142424 for pv1_44 produces this:
2016/04/20 14:24:24 – Wednesday
A value of 2016×420142424 for pv1_44 produces this:
handle error here (unable to convert date-time string “2016×420 142424”: more than one time of day in string)
Jeff Dinsmore Chesapeake Regional Healthcare