killing messages based on date

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  • Creator
  • #55054
    Kevin Crist

      I need to kill a messages that have an admit date of greater than 3 days. How is the best way to go about this? not that familiar with clock scan so not sure how to proceed.


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    • Author
      • #83925
        Keith McLeod

          clock scan 20160416

          clock scan “today”

          clock scan “3 days ago”

          if {[clock scan ] < [clock scan "3 days ago"]} {

               #Kill the message


          Just thoughts that may be helpful….

          hcitcl>clock scan “today”


          hcitcl>clock scan “3 days ago”


          hcitcl>clock scan 20160404


        • #83926
          Charlie Bursell

            I agree that the clock command is very powerful when doing date math

            One caveat.  If the date value to be scanned contains time (datetime) the scan command expects a list in the form od “date time”

            regsub is a simple way to convert a datetime string(there are many other methods):

            Assume PV1.44 = 20160420142424  (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)

            clock format [clock scan $pv1_44]

            Sat Aug 29 00:00:00 ICT 5215215   ;# Not what you wanted

            regsub — {(d{8})(.*)} $pv1_44 {1 2} pv1_44

            clock format [clock scan $pv1_44]

            Wed Apr 20 14:24:24 ICT 2016    ;# Much better

          • #83927
            Jeff Dinsmore

              I would also recommend that you always catch the result of clock scan.  It can be pretty picky and you don’t want to have unhandled Tcl errors.

              Something like this:


              if { [catch {set scanSec [clock scan “[string range $pv1_44 0 7] [string range $pv1_44 8 13]”]} err] } {
              puts “handle error here ($err)”
              } else {
              puts “[clock format $scanSec -format “%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S – %A”]”

              A value of 20160420142424 for pv1_44 produces this:


              2016/04/20 14:24:24 – Wednesday

              A value of 2016×420142424 for pv1_44 produces this:


              handle error here (unable to convert date-time string “2016×420 142424”: more than one time of day in string)

              Jeff Dinsmore
              Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

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