Kill Inbound ACKs by MSH-6

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  • Creator
  • #55300
    Jonathan Christian

      Good Morning All –

      I’ve been butting my head against a proc for the last several days now, and I’ve come to see if I can get any pointers, insights, or sanity checks.

      I have one outbound thread feeding orders to our LIS, but one of the applications we’re receiving orders from requires an ACK back from the LIS instead of one generated by Cloverleaf. I’ve already had the catfight over why this is even necessary, and I’ve lost. So, now I have route replies sending back the ACK from the LIS to the originating system, but none of the other inbound routes to the LIS have route replies set up. As a result, all of the un-routed messages are going into the error database since they don’t have anywhere else to go. I can’t use hcitpsmsgkill on the TPS Inbound Reply since I need some of the ACKs coming back from the LIST to route back up.

      Which leads me to my “solution.” The basic premise of the proc is to place it in the TPS Inbound Reply on the Outbound config tab in NetConfig. I’d then pass a series of arguments, into the proc. These arguments would then be checked against the MSH-6 of the received ACK, and would determine if the ACK would be passed back up to a reply route, or killed. In short, if the ACK back from the LIS equals one of the args in the MSH-6, I don’t kill the reply. Otherwise, I kill it.

      Now, this didn’t seem like a monumental task to me when I first started it, but I fee like I’m close to the finish line, and I can’t seem to get it to stop erroring out on me. The proc actually hangs up and errors out the Testing Tool when I run it though it.

      Here’s what I have built so far:



      # Name: kill_ack.tcl

      # Purpose: To kill select inbound ACK messages based on inbound MSH-6 value of ACK


      # UPoC type: tps

      # Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:


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    • Author
      • #84880
        Levy Lazarre

          Hi Jonathan,

          I assume that you are using the Cloverleaf GUI to test your TPS.

          Since you are testing a Reply proc, have you tried setting the “Caller Context:” to “sms_ib_reply”?

        • #84881
          Jonathan Christian

            Hey Levy –

            Thanks so much for the response. You’re correct that I’m using the GUI to test my TPS. I’ve actually been testing this out with sms_ib_reply in the Caller Context, to no avail. I’ve attached a screenshot of my TPS test config, and the subsequent Windows error that pops up when I run the test for some additional detail.[/img]

          • #84882
            Jim Kosloskey

              I don’t know what release of Cloverleaf you are on but if on 6.x why not look at field routing in the TrxID setting for the replies. Then use wild card routing to route the ones you want and apply hcitpsmsgkill to the ones you don’t.

              If that works for you, then you won’t need Tcl.

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #84883
              Jonathan Christian

                Hey Jim!

                Sorry for the huge delay in response. The flu attacked my household ferociously last week, and had me out of commission until today.

                We’re actually on 6.0.3 right now, so if I can avoid TCL altogether, that’d be fine by me. Would you mind giving me some details on the configuration? I’ve looked around here on Clovertech for details, but haven’t dug up anything specific enough for me to go off of.

              • #84884
                Levy Lazarre

                  Hey Jon,

                  After taking a second look at your screenshot, it appears that there is a problem in the way you are using the Testing Tool. You have selected the option “Save to File” but you are not providing a file name. This would cause the Testing Tool to attempt to write to a null memory address and crash.

                  You should choose “Send to Proc” and select “hcitpstestshowbydisp” as the proc.

                  I hope this helps.

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