KILL disp in UPOC protocl – error 415 (CL 5.2.2)

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf KILL disp in UPOC protocl – error 415 (CL 5.2.2)

  • Creator
  • #47513
    Jim Kosloskey

      We are migrating from 3.5.5 to 5.2.2.

      I am testing an integration which has a UPOC protocol (outbound) and issues a KILL disposition.

      This works fine in 3.5.5.

      In 5.2.2 however, an Error State of 415 ‘Unsupported disposition from protocol write TPS: KILL’ is thrown.

      I looked in the doc and it still says KILL is a valid UPOC protocol (outbound) disposition.

      Any one know if this is now invalid (KILL that is) or is this a known bug?


      Jim Kosloskey

      email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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    • Author
      • #55955
        Bill Bertera

          I got that same error with PROTO in a Upoc write (5.2.1). Support told me only CONTINUE is a valid disposition (contrary to the documentation). They suggested moving the upoc to the end of the OBTPS stack, and then making the protocol a file to /dev/null.

        • #55956

            I saw this on the upgrade from 3.7.1 to 5.2.1.  I must admit that I did not look at the documentation (it has not helped me much in the past), but I did assume that they made a change and we just couldn’t do that anymore.  I moved all of my scripts from the UPOC to the outbound-TPS and never looked back…

          • #55957

              We had the same problem. just changed to proc to one that does CONTINUE instead of KILL.  message still gets killed. ontinue is used to make sure that the savedmessage files get entries. If you move the KILL back to the OB tps, no data will be written to the savedmessage files (we use the savedmessages file to track message traffic by priority- ie normal and resent)

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