Keying off the first two letters

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  • Creator
  • #51817
    Steven Lindsey

      In the OBR_4 i have a number that comes in FT8756.  The numbers dont matter but I need to change the OBR_4 if it comes in with and FT.  How can I search for the FT.  I’m currently using a Tclproc to do this.  Any help would be great.



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    • Author
      • #71836
        Tom Rioux

          You can do something like this:

          set num “FT8756”

          if {[regexp -lineanchor ^FT $num]} {

              do something

          } else {

              do somethine else


          Quite frankly, you may can get away with just the — for the options, but I like stating the options.   Don’t quite trust it without it.

          Hope this helps..

          Tom Rioux

        • #71837
          Steven Lindsey

            Ok. I’m new with the Tcl and I have tried what you said and still having some issues.  Do you have an example that I could see?

          • #71838
            Jim Kosloskey

              Here is another way:

              if {[string equal [string range $obx_4 0 1] “FT”]} {

                 do something…

              } else {

                 do something…


              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #71839
              Tom Rioux

                Here is an example of a tcl fragment we use in our xlate to check if the referring physician ID begins with “TX”.   If it does, we set the outbound to that number, else we set it to a default facility specific ID.

                set ref [lindex $xlateInVals 0]

                set def [lindex $xlateInVals 1]

                if {[regexp -lineanchor ^TX $ref]} {

                   set xlateOutVals $ref

                } else {

                   set xlateOutVals $def


                Hope this helps…

                Tom Rioux

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