I have a problem where I am successfully removing the “~” from OBX.5, but the Xlate is also removing the & when present. Of course the & is being read as the sub field delimiter, but I want it present, or to convert it to “AND” since this the intent in the lab result. The CONCAT line is as follows:
Source: ~1(0).1(0).1(%g1).OBX.00573(0)
Destination: 1(0).1(0).1(%g1).OBX.00573(0)
I understand the the engine is doing exactly what is being coded, but how do I keep the ampersands?
When I add the following tcl fragment to the Pre Proc, nothing gets translated.
set result [lindex $xlateInVals 0]
regsub -all {&} $result {AND} noamp
set xlateOutVals $noamp
I do not know if this can be done by Xlate only, or I need to fix my tcl to work with this setup. Any help would be appreciated…
Thank You