Julain Date formatting

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  • Creator
  • #54159
    gricelda lopez


      I am trying to format a header line for a output file. I am using tcl code for this job. I have an if statement where it checks the Julian day and if it

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    • Author
      • #80382
        bill bearden

          Hello Gricelda,

          I think clock format isn’t expecting a Julian date.

          If juldt_int has a Julian date in it, try changing this line near the end of your script

           set juldt_str [clock format $juldt_int -format “%Y%m%d”]

          to something like

           set juldt_str [clock format [clock scan $juldt_int -format “%J”] -format “%Y%m%d”]

          Good luck

        • #80383
          gricelda lopez

            Hi Bill,

            I tried your suggestion and it still didn’t work. I got the below error message:

            [0:TEST] Tcl error:

            msgId = message0

            proc = ‘tps_northern_trust’

            args = ”

            result = ‘bad switch “-format”: must be -base or -gmt’

            errorInfo: ‘

            bad switch “-format”: must be -base or -gmt

               while executing

            “clock scan $juldt_int -format “%j””

            thank you 🙂

          • #80384
            gricelda lopez

              I found another way to add the days. Instead of using the julian date I am just adding days to my IF statement. So far it works, I will need to test it out a little more using different dates but so far so good.

            • #80385
              Tom Rioux


                Try something like this:

                (Using the given date of today = 20140416.   Adjust to how you need it)

                set julian_dt [clock format [clock seconds] -format “%j”]

                set day_of_wk [clock format [clock seconds] -format “%a”]

                if {[string equal $day_of_wk “FRI”]} {

                    set future_dt [clock scan “$julian_dt 2 day”]

                } else if { …..(continue with rest of code


                set new_date [clock format $future_dt -format %Y%m%d]

                Hope this works for you!

                Tom Rioux

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