json iterate

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf json iterate

  • Creator
  • #118174
    David Speare

      Hey All –

      Putting a hl7–>json xlate.  This is working fine for my non repeatable fields.  I assumed that doing an iterate on the repeating group/field would iterate the json output, but obviously it isn’t or we wouldn’t be here.


      What’s the trick?  I can do this via an xlate correct?  just for good measure, i attached the xlate.


      Appreciate the insight.


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    • Author
      • #118175
        Boris Perov

          Hi David,

          You need to use the field/segment/group iteration variable or a counter of some sort to specify where to copy the data…  Similar to HL7 iterations…  Could also be the JSON format.

          Let me know if you need additional help,

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        • #118177
          David Speare

            Thanks Boris!  That makes sense, would you share a screenshot of your json config?  Specifically are your common_order and ordering_provider elements both arrays?

            • #118187
              Boris Perov

                Sorry, just saw this.  Both common_order and ordering_provider are arrays set to tuple Element Mode.

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            • #118178
              Jim Kosloskey


                What are you getting out? The first repetition, the last repetition, or no repetition.

                email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #118179
                David Speare

                  Guys thanks so much.  It was partly my json config and partially my xlate reference.

                  Going to spell it out here in case anyone else comes across it (supporting images attached).

                  procedures node –> type: array, element mode: tuple

                  (0) –> type object

                  setid –> type: string

                  proccode –> type: array; element mode: tuple

                  (0) –> type: object

                  proccodeid –> type: string

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