JDBC Logging in Cloverleaf

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf JDBC Logging in Cloverleaf

  • Creator
  • #120920
    Jim Kosloskey

      I am starting to work with the DB Protocol. When I work with Data Integrator (ODBC) I can turn on ODBC tracing to help debug DB interaction issues.

      Does Cloverleaf (2022.09) turn on JDBC Logging when the EO is configured for ‘all’? I did that but I don’t see any log displays indicating anything for JDBC (not that I would expect the logging entries there).

      In ODBC when turning on logging one can also set the location and name of the log file.

      If Cloverleaf does turn on logging, what is the location and name of the log file?

      If Cloverleaf does not turn on logging, is there a way to turn on JDBC logging and define the location and name of the JDBC Log file? I am not familiar with the ins and outs of JDBC – not as familiar as with ODBC.

      This is on a Windows server.


      email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

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