Good morning,
I am fairly new to java/ws-server threads but have configured one to use TLSv1.2.
I have configured the Keystore File, Keystore Password and Keystore Type (PKCS12).
I have configured the Truststore File, Trustore Password and the Truststore Type (JKS).
Client Authentication Required and Client Authentication Wanted are both set to “true”.
“Message logging Enabled” and Cloverleaf Log Exceptions is set to “true” in the RestProvider configuration.
The Engine Log Configuration is set to “enable_all”.
For testing purposes, I am using PostMan on a different server to post to the URL configured on my Cloverleaf thread and I am able to successfully send a message from Postman to my thread when Postman has the public key and public certificate.
In Postman, if I remove the public key and public certificate, I get an error when trying to post to the URL configured on my Cloverleaf thread, which is expected.
However, I do not see any logging of the SSL handshake in the Cloverleaf process log, when Postman can successfully communicate and I do not see any exceptions when Postman is unable to communicate with the Cloverleaf thread.
Is there any way to log the SSL Handshake, if so, how?
Or is there a different log file I should be looking at, if yes, which log file?
I am running Cloverleaf v19.1.1.0 on Linux.
Thanks in advance,