• Creator
  • #50069
    Austin Adams

      Does anyone have any information on java upoc? I’m a newbie and not sure where to begin. I do have some experience in java, but not sure how to apply it within Cloverleaf. For example, do I have to compile the source before it I use it or will CL compile it for me (does it even need to be compiled) etc….?



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    • Author
      • #64759
        garry r fisher

          Hi Austin,

          You still have to compile your own code. See the examples in the documentation and in the java_uccssrcsamples directory.

          I would recommend that you learn Tcl although the Java library in the latest version of Cloverleaf (5.6) has been updated to bring it closer in functionality to Tcl.

          I tried a couple of things in Java but now use Tcl – The compile stage is a pain:-)



        • #64760
          Kevin Kinnell

            Doesn’t the Java VM get fired off from the Tcl interpreter anyway?  Doesn’t

            seem to be a win if you have to take a performance hit to use Java.  Ick.  :-/

          • #64761
            Austin Adams

              How much of a performance hit are we talking about? Still a newbie trying to learn the ropes. Any information you want to share will be appreciated. Just doing some fishing and not getting many bites.

            • #64762
              Kevin Kinnell


                How much of a performance hit are we talking about?

                Now that I don’t know for certain–I’m not even absolutely sure how/when the

                VM process is fired.  I’ve been told that the engine spawns a Tcl terp’ that starts

                a VM for every Java UPoC; that the VM starts a blocked thread to keep itself

                alive until the demise of the CL thread, and that the performance hit is

                “horrible.”  All of which I got second hand, and haven’t verified at all.

                On the other hand, Tcl is pretty easy to learn (once you get around comments

                and scoping) and it accounts for the vast majority of the code you’re going to see

                for UPoC’s anyway–it will really pay off to learn it.

                Not to mention that learning Tcl will give you an excuse not to go out in the

                finagling heat and humidity for a while (it was 92F in Hattiesburg

                yesterday: I thought my poor ol’ Yankee behind was gonna melt.)

                –kevin (Emacs, Tcl, and Air Conditioning: it gets no better) kinnell

              • #64763
                Jim Kosloskey


                  Why not try to measure the performance issue yourself?

                  Create a simplistic Tcl script in which you also take timings and a Java program doing the same thing.

                  Then execute each and compare timings. You might need to have a fair volume of work in order to get the timings down pat.

                  I would also make the functions UPoC interchanges rather than command line so you get the effect within the engine.

                  Jim Kosloskey

                  email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #64764
                  Austin Adams

                    Still learning the TCL syntax and how it relates to HL7 messages. Do you have any free study materials that I can borrow?

                  • #64765
                    Kevin Kinnell

                      The Tclers Wiki.  There are a ton of other (free) Tcl resources as well, try

                      Googling Tcl tutorial.

                      The CL extensions are simple once you have a handle on Tcl (which is pretty

                      simple itself.)

                    • #64766
                      Russ Ross

                        To get the job done while getting up to a functional level of TCL, post a request on clovertech asking if anyone has already written something similar to what you want.

                        I’m not intending to sound stupid by stating the obvious, but searching clovertech is another way to locate proven TCL code that might be just what you are spending effort on.

                        Both of these have an extra benifit beside helping to learn TCL, they can show you how to tie your TCL into cloverleaf and often have enhanced features and robustness in the TCL code that come from learning through hard knocks.

                        Of course HealthVison will aslo be glad to provide a contrator in the mean time.

                        When I came to MD Anderson flat footed, I progressed as follows:

                        – I contracted Charlie Bursell to do a site survey and confirm I was as bad off as I thought

                        – I hired a cloverleaf contractor for the first 6 months as a baby sitter, mentor, and personal helper

                        – I read a couple of TCL books

                        – I purchased a couple of TCL CBTs from HIE now HealthVison

                        – I took one TCL training course from HIE now HealVison

                        – I monitored clovertech as much as time permits

                        Russ Ross

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