I have a message that some times has a PR1 segment which is optional and is repeatable.. along with that are ZP4 segments and Z3C segments. These two segments can only come across if a PR1 segment is present. A PR1 segment can come through with or with out the ZP4 and Z3C since these are both optional but conditional to the presence of the PR1. My problem lies in that when a Message comes through with PR1 AND ZP4 segments and Z3C segments the point of interation is with the group but as soon as a message come through without the Z segments then the point of iteration changes to the segment level. I have tried multiple configurations of the group and segments and everytime there is a switch in the point of iteration based on the presence or absence of the Z segments. Latest attempt I made the PR1 and Z segments all a group that was repeatable and optional and then made the PR1 repeatable within the group and the Zsegments as optional within the group. Depending on the message content the iteration point changes from group to segment. I am on clover leaf 3.5 and hl7 2.3. I know everyone in the world has a higher version! 🙂 I am open to suggestions.