Iterate with table and concat

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  • Creator
  • #49240
    Jack Plumb


      I need to take the value of MSH-4 (001), use a table to translate that into SFD and pre-pend the value to PV1-3.1, PV1-3.2, and PV1-3.3.

      So if PV1-3 = 8N^202^2 I’ll need |SFD8N^SFD202^SFD2| outbound.

      What I think I need to do is an Interate and underneath have the table, then the a concat.

      If that’s true I believe I have everything but the values that will go in the basis and variable for the interate.

      If that’s not the way to do it I would appreciate any “words of wisdom”

      from the experts.

      Thanks for the help.


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    • Author
      • #61204
        Daniel Lee

          I don’t think you’d use an iterate in this case.

        • #61205
          Jack Plumb


            That did the trick. Thanks for the help.


          • #61206
            Jack Plumb


              Well as luck would have it my concat works fine but of course the vendor can’t take the value if any of the inbound fields are blank. So if PV1-3.1, 3.2, 3.3 are blank I don’t want the concat to envoke.

              I have tried various things in the IF statement (with the concat underneath) but my inexperience with Quovadx is getting in the way and can’t make it work.

              What I need to do is NOT envoke the concat IF PV1-3.1, PV1-3.2 and PV1-3.3 are BLANK.

              Any suggestions would be appreciated.


            • #61207
              Daniel Lee

                When you use the if in the xlate just set the R value to an equal sign.  So the if that contains your concat statement would look something like this.


                0(0).PV1.00133.[1] ne = && 0(0).PV1.00133.[2] ne = && 0(0).PV1.00133.[3] ne =

              • #61208
                Vince Angulo

                  Have you tried testing against @null?  As in:

                  IF 0(0).PV1.00133.[n] ne @null

                    CONCAT {=SPD}{0(0).PV1.00133.[n]}

                  And make sure you do not use the “=” with the @null test (or any @variable).

                • #61209
                  Jack Plumb

                    Actually I chose to use the IF ne @null and it works fine for

                    this particular case.

                    Thanks for the advice on the = sign.


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