Issue with VRL in for Windows

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Issue with VRL in for Windows

  • Creator
  • #55595
    Theo Trentino

      We are in the process of upgrading from Cloverleaf 5.8.4 on Windows 2008 to Cloverleaf on Windows 2012. I haven’t made any code changes.

      For testing we simultaneously played messages to Production (via 5.8.4 on Windows 2008) and Sandpit (via on Windows 2012). After about a week all looked perfect….. except for just 1 of our inbound threads.

      This 1 thread picks up a CSV file and has a VRL format file defined. About 5 out of 160 messages failed for this thread in but worked perfectly in 5.8.4.

      When I use the testing tool within Cloverleaf and select my VRL file and TEST file I can see that one of the fields is being truncated (the ReferringDrName field)

      The weird thing is, if I make the value for the PatientName field longer in the TEST file, the ReferringDrName field picks up correctly, if I make it shorter the ReferringDrName field is truncated.

      This behavior does not occur when applying the same test using the TESTING Tool in version 5.8.4

      I have attached the vrl file and sample test file.

      Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

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    • Author
      • #85862
        Jim Kosloskey

          I think the VRL handling has been updated between 5.8.4 and 6.2.

          I note your VRL definition for the element ItemType is min 1 max -1 but the data in the example is null (nothing there).

          I believe this should be min 0 (zero) if that can configured (I don’t have access to a system where I can validate that configuration option).

          You indicate 5 messages failed. do they all have a null field somewhere before the field that is incorrect?

          I note it seems all of your field definitions are min 1.

          It is quite possible between 5.8.4 and 6.2 the handling was tightened up to use the literal definition.

          Try changing ItemType to min 0 (zero) and see if that doesn’t relieve the issue. If it does, it would be prudent and forward thinking I think to validate the specification against the potential minimum length for each field.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #85863
          Theo Trentino

            Thanks Jim for the reply.

            I can’t change the “Min Width” value on any of the fields in the VRL definition, when I try it returns the following error: “Invalid Min Width. Please specify a nonzero width value.”

            Yes, all the 5 fields that failed have a NULL itemtype, but there are many more records with a NULL itemtype that have been loaded successfully.

          • #85864
            Jim Kosloskey

              Oh well it was a theory. Perhaps this is warrants a contact to support?

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #85865
              Theo Trentino

                Thanks Jim, I have raised incident: 11233529 with Infor

              • #85866
                Theo Trentino

                  For any who may be interested, Infor have come back with the following information on this Incident:

                  Per R&D, this is a bug.

                  We have created an AR for this issue.

                  AR17552 Field in VRL that is in two different memory buffers causes the field length to be counted incorrectly.

                  Too soon to tell when it will be released

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