Invalid TrxId on _HCI_STATIC_ROUTE

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  • Creator
  • #54172
    Gretchen Macdowall

      Cloverleaf experience < year. Up till now I have been mostly maintaining threads that are already set up. I have a thread that has to pick up VRL text files via ftp, extract the data, convert to HL7 and send an order status message to Soarian. The conversion is handled in an xlate which works fine in test. The ftp works, in that files deposited in the directory the thread is watching, disappear. However, the inbound messages all end up in the error db with “Unsupported Trxid (101)”. Here is a test inbound “message”. (You don’t need much info to make the transaction I need to send) RADHIC  LOGICIAN|3027687|296106|FO2|0 Routing is _HCI_STATIC_ROUTE to an xlate. Why is Cloverleaf even looking for a TrxID? Have gone through all of the prior posts explaining that 101 can be a catchall error. So I did do an hcidbdump -e -c, but that said the same thing more verbosely.

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    • Author
      • #80443
        Elisha Gould

          Try the following (case sensitive) with Wild Card Route disabled.



        • #80444
          Gretchen Macdowall

            I wrote it in caps in the post for some reason, but it is already in mixed case in the routing. I picked it from the Clover menu. Also “Wildcard Route” is already unchecked.

            Is there such a thing as a debug mode in Clover that you can turn on for one process that shows you every step of each transaction in excruciating detail? Like Watch or Browse Output but with more detail.

          • #80445
            Keith McLeod

              What is your trxid determination format set to?  This is on the inbound data tab.

            • #80446
              Gretchen Macdowall

                Fixed record layout pos 0 – 0. I know that would not work if it really was being used to route. Did not think it mattered if it was static route.

                What should it be? Oh, I so hope this is the problem. I tried a few other ones but they all met the same fate.

              • #80447
                James Cobane

                  Hi Gretchen,

                  You can turn-up the debug on the process to ‘enable_all’ and you will get a boat-load of output.  Can you post your configurations and some sample data to let others review?

                  Configuring a static route should be easy and pretty benign, so I suspect there is something simple that is being overlooked.

                  Jim Cobane

                  Henry Ford Health

                • #80448
                  Keith McLeod

                    I agree.

                  • #80449
                    Gretchen Macdowall

                      I so appreciate any help reviewing the attached settings. This is a Cloverleaf 5.8 environment. There are hundreds of threads humming along on it. Only MINE is not working.

                    • #80450
                      Keith McLeod

                        Are the data files set up so that each message is on a new line?  If so, you may want to change your fileset option style to nl.

                      • #80451
                        Gretchen Macdowall

                          It’s one message (line) per file. Those 6 pipe-delimited fields on a line are the entire message and file.

                          Maybe I’ll just shout them over to the nursing unit when we get a new message. It would be easier.

                        • #80452
                          Keith McLeod

                            What does the thread status screen show for failed messages on thread amcom_osu?  Does this same message fail every time so that the error db gets multiple copies?  I have sent the file through several times without error.  Has the thread been bounced since you set the trxid and the fileset options?

                          • #80453
                            Gretchen Macdowall

                              I keep the thread off unless I am testing. Then I clear the error db for it before the test by deleting the errors. There is never anything in the recovery db. Then I start the thread and drop the test file in the folder. The test file disappears and the thread status Fail count goes up by 1.

                              Does stopping and restarting the thread “bounce” it, or is there something else I should be doing to clear it? I have saved the config many many times while the thread was stopped. I am sure it is something simple.

                              Attached is the status after another failed message, and the process log.

                            • #80454
                              Gretchen Macdowall

                                I just wanted to post the resolution to this, which is so simple, if you understand how the engine works. I was Stopping and Starting the incoming thread after saving each Net Config change. Instead I should have been Stopping and Starting the Process.

                                This list is unbelievable. First Keith McLeod offered to call and help later in the afternoon. Then Jim Kosloskey called me before that and via screen sharing he quickly determined the problem. After that he showed me a bunch of navigation shortcuts that are most appreciated.

                                Some day I hope to pay it forward by being a list resource for others.

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