Cloverleaf experience < year. Up till now I have been mostly maintaining threads that are already set up.
I have a thread that has to pick up VRL text files via ftp, extract the data, convert to HL7 and send an order status message to Soarian. The conversion is handled in an xlate which works fine in test. The ftp works, in that files deposited in the directory the thread is watching, disappear. However, the inbound messages all end up in the error db with “Unsupported Trxid (101)”. Here is a test inbound “message”. (You don’t need much info to make the transaction I need to send)
RADHIC LOGICIAN|3027687|296106|FO2|0
Routing is _HCI_STATIC_ROUTE to an xlate. Why is Cloverleaf even looking for a TrxID?
Have gone through all of the prior posts explaining that 101 can be a catchall error. So I did do an hcidbdump -e -c, but that said the same thing more verbosely.