Our hospital is in the process of adding/replacing several patient care related systems. We in the IS department know that an integrated system where a single database stores the data is better than 2 disparate systems (2 databases) that must be interfaced. My goal is to provide examples where interfacing the Emergency Dept, Pharmacy system, Lab system or Radiology system vs a solution from 1 vendor(database) is more troublesome (interface related errors that could affect patient care) than the integrated (1 database) system. Would anyone care to comment? or add to my list?
1. Interfaces stop communicating.
2. A message may have values(data elements) rejected by receiving system.
3. Interfaces may get out-of-sync – (order or result message crosses to system before ADT)
4. Unexplained errors (bugs in system) – system receives message and acknowledges but does not act upon message.