Inter-site routing, messages get stuck

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Inter-site routing, messages get stuck

  • Creator
  • #54778

      Cloverleaf 6.1.x on both Linux and Windows 2012

      Seems like I have an inter-site problem and hope someone can

      point me in the right direction

      The setup is simple, one thread reads from the disk, sends it to an intersite thread.

      On Site B there’s one thread listening and sends it to the next thread that

      writes it to the disk

      The setup works OK, I sends messages through as expectet.

      If I stop the thread or the process that is listening (Site B),

      the message stays in the recoverey db (State 7) on Site A, as expected.

      When I start the thread / proc on Site B, the message is received

      on Site B. So far so good.

      If I stop the thread / proc on Site B, sends a message from Site A,

      it will be in recovery db (State 7) as before. Now if I stop

      the proc on Site A and start it again, I then got two messages in the

      recovery db. When I start the proc on Site B, the “new” messages is send

      to Site B, but the “old” message is still in the recovery db on Site A

      Anyone experinced something like this, appreciate any help


      KMD, Denmark

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    • Author
      • #82958
        Rob Abbott

          Torfinn do you mind opening a support case on this – please box up your sites and send them along with the ticket.   Thanks!

          Rob Abbott
          Cloverleaf Emeritus

        • #82959

            Incident  8897951

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