I am currently getting a fault warning – I’ve parsed the message …
Number : IB:Error
Message: Code: MISC_1 Msg: Exception: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
Code: DBMS_030 Msg: Native error code: 30,000, exception:
Code: DBMS_026 Msg: <hxml:SQLExec> fails to execute query “SELECT replyCL, wsEndpoint, wsOperation, wsSOAPAction
FROM {IBMapping} where site=’he00387′ AND thread=’wac_devl_ih_can_ihb'”, exception: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
Code: HXML_063 Msg: Error processing tag “<hxml:SQLExec>”
Code: HXML_072 Msg: Error processing XSP “IBSoapOutbound.xsp”
Has anyone else had this?