Intecys ICS module / SpaceLabs

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Intecys ICS module / SpaceLabs

  • Creator
  • #48790
    Jared Parish


          I have a vendor here today and we are trying to get a HL7 interface going for the Intecys ICS module ( I know it as spacelabs).  I can get a connection, and send a message but they keep sending me a NACK back.  Here is there error message from there software:


      Exception error occured during parsing the MSH fields message= MSH|^~&|GTWY|HOSP|GTWY||200606271126||ADT^A01|ADTOE 2 4.1.8965|P|2.4|||AL|NE


      PID|1|000000000000674|570600^^^^MR~444-77-8585^^^^SS~690^^^^PI|690|TAN^TEST^5.5 SR2^^^^L~^^^^^^M||19700210|F||C|770 AVENUE^^FINDLAY^OH^45840^^^^HAN||419-423-5577^^^^PRN|||S||000013292


      PV2||SP^SEMI-PRIVATE|SR 2 TESTING||||||||1||||||||||||||U|||||||||||N

      GT1|1||TAN^TEST^5.5 SR2||770 AVENUE^^FINDLAY^OH^45840|419-423-5577|||||S|444-77-8585

      IN1|1|SP||SELF PAY||||||||||||TAN^TEST^5.5 SR2|S|19700210|770 AVENUE^^FINDLAY^OH^45840||||||||||||||||||||||||F

      error = M7Error 8: M7Error: Error while parsing message stream back into message composition structure |^~&|GTWY|HOSP|GTWY||200606271126||ADT^A01|ADTOE 2 4.1.8965|P|2.4|||AL|NE


      PID|1|000000000000674|570600^^^^MR~444-77-8585^^^^SS~690^^^^PI|690|TAN^TEST^5.5 SR2^^^^L~^^^^^^M||19700210|F||C|770 AVENUE^^FINDLAY^OH^45840^^^^HAN||419-423-5577^^^^PRN|||S||000013292


      PV2||SP^SEMI-PRIVATE|SR 2 TESTING||||||||1||||||||||||||U|||||||||||N

      GT1|1||TAN^TEST^5.5 SR2||770 AVENUE^^FINDLAY^OH^45840|419-423-5577|||||S|444-77-8585

      IN1|1|SP||SELF PAY||||||||||||TAN^TEST^5.5 SR2|S|19700210|770 AVENUE^^FINDLAY^OH^45840||||||||||||||||||||||||F

      Reason: Cannot find segment terminator

      Does this sound familiar to anyone?

      - Jared Parish

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    • Author
      • #59681
        Jim Kosloskey


          Turn your EO Config up so that you can see the hex dump of the message as it is going out. Then check to see if the segment terminator is at the end of the MSH (it appears that is the complaint the receiving system has).

          If it is there (I suspect it is), share the information with the receiving system vendor and indicate you think they have a problem that needs correction.

          Jim Kosloskey

          email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

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