Instructions on How to for de-encrypting SMAT DB from the command line.

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Instructions on How to for de-encrypting SMAT DB from the command line.

  • Creator
  • #118229
    Lawrence Nelson

      We are preparing to make a data lake with ORM messaegs that are being sent in our Lab system.

      We run SMAT db encrypted.

      We will be looking to pull ‘yesterdays’ SMAT DB file each day – de-encrypt it and move it so our dba team can work with it to make dashboards etc with PowerBi.

      So to repeat the subject line –

      Looking for the command line instruction for de-encrypting SMAT DB files.

      Thank you.

      Lawrence Nelson


      Lawrence Nelson
      System Architect - MaineHealth IT

    Viewing 11 reply threads
    • Author
      • #118230
        Jim Kosloskey

          Do you have Charlie Bursell’s hcismatdb utility?

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #118231
            Lawrence Nelson

              Hi Jim –

              I’m going with a No on that. Is there not a single command that can be issued?

              To make sure I’m clear – this is for SMAT db and not SMAT (before db) which I recall having to decrypt once years ago.



              Lawrence Nelson
              System Architect - MaineHealth IT

            • #118233
              Jim Kosloskey

                I sent you my copy via email.

                The date in the comments of the proc is 07/30/2015. I think this is the latest but if Charlie or anyone else has a later version perhaps they can post here and get you a copy.

                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #118232
              Jeff Dinsmore

                Tcl syntax to open an encrypted DB file:

                <sqlite command> <dbHandle> <dbFilePath> -readonly <boolean> -key <encryptKey>

                Once open, you can query the DB using dbHandle as usual

                Jeff Dinsmore
                Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

                • #118238
                  Lawrence Nelson

                    Hi Jeff –

                    2 questions (requests)



                    Could you express this string with a less techical example (or an actual example) –

                    I know it will be different for our location but I’m not picking up everything you are stating in this string below.

                    <sqlite command> <dbHandle> <dbFilePath> -readonly <boolean> -key <encryptKey>

                    2 Where would you actually get the encryption key from?

                    Thank you for the response

                    Lawrence Nelson
                    System Architect - MaineHealth IT

                  • #118239
                    Jim Kosloskey


                      By default the key for SMAT DB encryption is the site name.

                      So if you will execute the code from outside the site where the encryption took place, you will need to have a method to provide the site name.

                      Does hcismatdb not accomplish what you need?

                      email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                    • #118253
                      Lawrence Nelson

                        Hi Jim –

                        It’s been a holiday week for me – and Monday as well.

                        I took a very quick look at the script – and it looks to quite lengthy – as opposed to a single command line to decrypt a SMAT db file.


                        Lawrence Nelson
                        System Architect - MaineHealth IT

                      • #118264
                        Jeff Dinsmore


                          If we assume our our process is in the epic_ib site, the Tcl syntax would be:

                          sqlite3 dbHandle /opt/cloverleaf/cis19.1/integrator/epic_ib/exec/processes/epic_adt_ib/adt_ib.smatdb -readonly 1 -key epic_ib

                          Once the DB is open, you can query it with SQL – again this is Tcl syntax:

                          set numMsgs [db eval “select count(*) from smat_msgs”]


                          Jeff Dinsmore
                          Chesapeake Regional Healthcare

                        • #118265
                          Lawrence Nelson

                            Jeff –

                            Excuse my lack of knowledge –

                            but is what you’ve stated the command to decrypt and encrypted SMAT file or about pulling it into a external database – or a combination of both?



                            Lawrence Nelson
                            System Architect - MaineHealth IT

                          • #118266
                            Lawrence Nelson

                              Jeff –

                              Sorry – I read backwards in this chain and see what you are stating about decrypting. Thanks.

                              The current issue this leaves me with is that I’m not actually looking to decrypt it – into a database at the time (the sqlite3 dbhandle piece)  – I’m looking to decrypt it period – as a file only  – so it can be moved unencrypted by our EFT processes to where our database team can then work with it in their environment (not via ODBC).

                              Lawrence Nelson
                              System Architect - MaineHealth IT

                          • #118254
                            Jim Kosloskey


                              Well I would simply place a command line entry for hcismatdb in a O/S script Korn shell or whatever you are using with the appropriate arguments- or – you can exec hcismatdb from inside a Tcl proc with the appropriate arguments. Your choice.

                              But since I think you said the goal was to create a file of extracted entries from SMATDB I suspect you just want to place the file in a directory for subsequent processing so a O/S script would probably work well.

                              Maybe we should discuss off-line – email me.

                              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                            • #118270
                              Charlie Bursell

                                You want to copy the database as unencrypted to another location?   Remember an SQLite database is simply a file and can easily copied.

                                As for the encryption; 2 options.

                                Use as unencrypted on Cloverleaf or open the SMAT Database using command line logic provided and copy to another database.  Here, Google is your friend 🙂

                                <b>SQLite – How to copy data from one database to another?</b>
                                <ol class=”X5LH0c”>
                                <li class=”TrT0Xe”>Using SQL query. First you attach <b>database</b> new_db with old_db to associate them in the current <b>database</b> connection. Assume that you are connected to the old_db , now run the ATTACH command to attach the new_db : …
                                <li class=”TrT0Xe”>Using <b>SQLite</b> command-line tool. Open the old <b>database</b> then dump the table




                              • #118304
                                Lawrence Nelson

                                  Charlie –

                                  I know I’m being obtuse here – but our db team is not being successful with un-encrypting the SMAT db file – remotely aka OFF of the Cloverleaf platform.

                                  Additionally, we’ve taken your script that Jim K. sent to me – and reviewed the contents in detail. We’ve confirmed the site ID spelling/case – and also that we haven’t set a password on the SMAT db – so it should be the site ID name.

                                  “Using the SQL Cipher version of DB Browser (free to download), I was able to create my own test DB and set the encryption.

                                  When I re-open the test DB, it prompts me for the key value.  If I enter the correct value it opens as expected.  If I enter the wrong value I get the message  “Could not open database file.  Reason: Invalid file format.”    

                                  I get the same message when I use this tool to open the encrypted db with encryption key previously provided, and the un-encrypted one from Cloverleaf (CLOTEST) SMAT opens as well.


                                  Lawrence Nelson
                                  System Architect - MaineHealth IT

                                • #118305
                                  Charlie Bursell

                                    From the web:

                                    <b>SQLite</b> doesn’t support <b>encrypting</b> database files by default. Instead, you need to use a modified version of <b>SQLite</b> like SEE, SQLCipher, SQLiteCrypt, or wxSQLite3.

                                    The Cloverleaf version uses SQLCipher

                                    Probably what you are using has a different encoding method with the sqlite version.

                                    From the command line using the version of sqlite installed with Cloverleaf, with or without a root set I can easily do the following with an encrypted SMAT file:

                                    sqlite myob.smatdb
                                    SQLCipher version 3.15.2 2016-11-28 19:13:37
                                    Enter “.help” for instructions
                                    Enter SQL statements terminated with a “;”
                                    sqlite> PRAGMAY key = “cbtest”;
                                    Error: near “PRAGMAY”: syntax error
                                    sqlite> PRAGMA key = “cbtest”;
                                    sqlite> .tables
                                    smat_info smat_msgs

                                    sqlite> .quit;

                                    Maybe move the encrypted DB to unencrypted for your use?  See site below:

                                    I have not personally tested this method but give it a try and let us know



                                  • #118306
                                    Charlie Bursell

                                      More info:
                                      I just installed DB Browser for Windows from:

                                      It installed two executables;  DB Browser (SQLite) and DB Browser (SQLCipher)

                                      I was able to decrypt and view a SMAT file using SQLCipher.

                                      I had to change default Encryption Settings from “SQLCyphe 4 defaults” to “SQLCypher 3 defaults”

                                      But I was then able to enter my site name for password and view and or manipulate the DB.

                                      I hope this helps.


                                      • #118339
                                        Lawrence Nelson

                                          Hi Charlie –

                                          I’ve been forwarding your responses to the dba architect I’m working with. He has attempted all of the items you’ve suggested – but without success.

                                          When I send him an un-encrypted SMAT db file – it opens for him without issue.

                                          The encrypted ones are a no go with the use of the site name.

                                          I know that the sites SMAT setting have not been set up with passwords – that would over-write the use of the site name as the password.

                                          I’ve gone in to a test site – and turned on encryption to assure that no password was set –  it’s still a no go. I sent in a file pre and post encryption. The pre opened – the post does not.  So we are at an impasse – and I’m not sure where to go with for next steps.


                                          Here is the most recent response from the dba


                                          I’ve already tried below with no success.  I question if the password provided for the encrypted SMAT db you sent to me was in fact the correct password.

                                          If it was, I should have been able to open the file with DB Browser (SQLCipher) using either “SQLCyphe 4 defaults” or “SQLCypher 3 defaults” as outlined

                                          below.  The resulting message in either case is the same and implies an incorrect password.  Is there anyone in your group that may have opened an encrypted SMAT file outside of Cloverleaf?

                                          [inserted picture content he sent reads as follows]

                                          DB Browser for SQLite

                                          Could not open database file.

                                          Reason: Invalid file format.




                                          Lawrence Nelson
                                          System Architect - MaineHealth IT

                                      • #118340
                                        Charlie Bursell

                                          What version of Cloverleaf were these SMAT DB files created under?

                                          If they were created pre-19.1 you will have to use hcismatcrypt as I outlined in the post about using hcidbscript to migrate them to SQLCipher.  You can then open them using DB Browser(SQLCipher).  I have tried and know this works.

                                          If you do not have Cloverleaf 19.1+ you may need to update.  I am not sure what encryption methods were used by previous versions of Cloverleaf.

                                          • #118343
                                            Lawrence Nelson

                                              Well there you go – we are not on 19 yet – we are on the last version of 6.24(?)


                                              Lawrence Nelson
                                              System Architect - MaineHealth IT

                                            • #118344
                                              Lawrence Nelson

                                                Charlie – Again sorry for being obtuse but I don’t see any prior references in here when I search for  hcismatcrypt or hcidbscript in this conversation on Clovertech.

                                                The only script I have from this conversation is hcidbsmat.tcl

                                                Are you able to pass me these other scripts?




                                                Lawrence Nelson
                                                System Architect - MaineHealth IT

                                            • #118360
                                              Charlie Bursell

                                                hcismatcrypt  is a utility provided with Cloverleaf.  Maybe some misunderstanding about hcidbscript , probably a typo.  Here I was referring to the script hcismatdb which you have.  Again, please see my post about using hcismatdb for more info on hcismatcrypt.

                                                The hcismatcrypt command is available in version 6.2 but no migrate option.  You can use this command to validate the password or change the password of your SMAT files. Look for the command in your Cloverleaf documentation.

                                              • #118361
                                                Charlie Bursell


                                                  I was playing around with this on my old version of Cloverleaf 6.2.  Here is what you do

                                                  setroot and setsite to where SMAT files are located

                                                  First, run:  hcismatcrypt validatekey  <Name of SMAT File> <Site Name>

                                                  It should return “Successful for command validatekey” if key is correct else it will return:
                                                  “Validation failed.
                                                  Incorrect password”

                                                  If key is not correct and you cannot open as unencrypted, I am at a loss.  you will have to get your key.  Call Support, they have methods.

                                                  If the key is correct then run:
                                         rekey <sitename> <key>  <SMAT FILE>  “” <NEW FILE>

                                                  Note that sitename and key are probably the same.  SMAT FILE is the file to copy
                                                  “” means no key.  NEW FILE is name of file to create, i.e., xxx.db.  The give the new file to your analyst.

                                                  The new file will be a copy of your SMAT file unencrypted.  I tried it and it works for me.


                                                  Good Luck!!

                                                  • #118432
                                                    Lawrence Nelson

                                                      Hi Charlie –

                                                      I’m sending the decrypted file to my dba partner – I think we have success!

                                                      Thank you!

                                                      2 follow ups –

                                                      What do the 2 quotes between the file names indicate. I had to change your characters to be my ‘keyboards’ version?

                                                      First attempt example

                                                      clotest::hci> hcismatcrypt rekey t80ndxorders t80ndxorders to_SCC_orders_outQ.20210119234432.smatdb ▒^▒^▒▒^▒^▒ SCC_orders_outQ.20210119234432.db



                                                      My first attempt gave me this until I stopped all processes – seems odd that all the processes have to be stopped to decrypt a file.

                                                      clotest::hci> hcismatcrypt rekey t80ndxorders t80ndxorders to_SCC_orders_outQ.20210119234432.smatdb “” SCC_orders_outQ.20210119234432.db
                                                      Warning: Engines are running in current site. Please stop the process and try again.

                                                      clotest::hci> hcismatcrypt rekey t80ndxorders t80ndxorders to_SCC_orders_outQ.20210119234432.smatdb “” SCC_orders_outQ.20210119234432.db
                                                      Successful for command rekey.

                                                      Lawrence Nelson
                                                      System Architect - MaineHealth IT

                                                  • #118433
                                                    Charlie Bursell

                                                      The double quotes represent a null for encryption key.  It should result in a file with no encryption.

                                                      If the SMAT file is in use it would make sense to stop it first.

                                                      Glad you got it working.

                                                      • #118472
                                                        Lawrence Nelson

                                                          Hi Charlie –

                                                          One other follow up for my setting up where I’m moving files –

                                                          Is this command able to be made to have the decrypted to a different folder/path location?

                                                 rekey <sitename> <key>  <SMAT FILE>  “” <NEW FILE>

                                                          Something like ?

                                                 rekey <sitename> <key>  <SMAT FILE>  “” <fullpath>//smatdb_decrypt/<NEW FILE>

                                                          Lawrence Nelson
                                                          System Architect - MaineHealth IT

                                                      • #118479
                                                        Charlie Bursell

                                                          Works for me.  Did you try it?

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