Insert command to a SQL database (Microsoft SQL) using TCL

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  • Creator
  • #52476
    Tom Gilbert

      I am trying to do an insert to a SQL table from TCL.  I have done a fetch and search.

      Please Help!!!…🙂

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    • Author
      • #74361
        Tom Gilbert

          I am getting connected ok and I can do a fetch with no problem.

          I am trying to insert data to the SQL table trying to use the following:

          set err [odbc SQLExecute $hstmt “INSERT INTO $table (id,prm_msgid,pcis_orderno,insertdatetime) values(,$msh_10,,)” SQL_NTS]

          Please help Need assistance on why it is not working… ❓

        • #74362
          Steve Pringle

            here’s a not for production example:

                   odbc SQLAllocEnv henv

                   odbc SQLSetEnvAttr $henv SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION SQL_OV_ODBC3 0

                   odbc SQLAllocConnect $henv hdbc


                   set connectResponse [odbc SQLConnect $hdbc $dsn SQL_NTS $uid

                       SQL_NTS $pwd SQL_NTS]


                   if { [cequal $connectResponse “SQL_ERROR”] } {

                       echo ERROR: Unable to connect to !rn

                       error “ERROR: Unable to connect to !”



                   if { $ssn == “”} {

                       msgset $mh $msg

                       # need to insert number PID.4 into lwPendingAccts table

                       # from tpsCheckAcctOtherSys

                       odbc SQLAllocStmt $hdbc hstmt5


                       set insert “insert into lwPendingAccts (Dnumber, MsgSource)

                           VALUES (‘$IdNum’,’$MsgSource’)”


                       set rval [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt5 $insert SQL_NTS]

                       if {$rval == “SQL_ERROR” } {

                           echo “insert = $insert”

                           echo “error executing update table”

                           catch {odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hstmt5}

                           catch {odbc SQLDisconnect $hdbc                  }

                           catch {odbc SQLFreeConnect $hdbc                 }

                           catch {odbc SQLFreeEnv $henv                     }

                           return “{ERROR $mh}”



                       catch {odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hstmt5}

                       catch {odbc SQLDisconnect $hdbc                  }

                       catch {odbc SQLFreeConnect $hdbc                 }

                       catch {odbc SQLFreeEnv $henv                     }

                       return “{CONTINUE $mh}”


          • #74363
            Tom Gilbert

              I am getting the following error:

              MESSAGE 1

              Tcl callout error

              erroCode: NONE


              wrong # args: odbc SQLExecute hstmt

                    while executiong

              “odbc SQLExecute $hstmt “INSERT INTO $table (id,prm_msgid,pcis_orderno,insertdatetime) values(,$msh_10,,)” SQL_NTS”

                    (procedure “vmctps_storemsgid_prm_kddh_orm” line 83)

                    invoked from within


            • #74364
              Tom Gilbert

                Hello Steve,  Thank you…  I don’t get errors any more…  The problem is that the data is not inserting into the table.  I put some echo’s in there and can see a the echo’s before and after the ‘set insert….’ but did not actually insert…

                Any thoughts…

              • #74365
                Steve Pringle

                  Your values list has fewer arguments than your insert columns.  They need to match.

                  “odbc SQLExecute $hstmt “INSERT INTO $table (id,prm_msgid,pcis_orderno,insertdatetime) values(,$msh_10,,)”

                  Try something like this:

                  “odbc SQLExecute $hstmt “INSERT INTO $table (id,prm_msgid,pcis_orderno,insertdatetime) values($id,$msh_10,$ordno,$datetime)”

                • #74366
                  Tom Gilbert

                    Now I am getting an SQL Error when executing the odbc SQLExescDirect:

                    set insert “INSERT INTO PRM_PCIS_OrderNo_xRef (prm_msgid,pcis_orderno) VALUES(”,’$msh_10′,”,”)”

                    set err [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt $insert SQL_NTS]

                    echo err $err

                    $erro is equaling ‘SQL_ERROR’

                  • #74367
                    Mike Willeson


                      I think Steve is pointing you in the right direction.  I have never done this with TCL before, but thinking about it from a database perspective, in your original values you were leaving the insert value for the prm_msgid value blank because you have an auto-incrementing primary key field there.

                      Now that you have added a value of ” to your insert statement, you are technically trying to insert a string in a numeric field.

                      It seems like you need to pre-determine an ID value you can use in your insert.  I am from the oracle world, and we had sequences we could use.  In SQL Server it appears there may be an “IDENTITY” you can use, but I don’t know how it works.

                      In psuedo code:

                      newID = select from IDENTITY to get numeric value

                      set insert “INSERT INTO PRM_PCIS_OrderNo_xRef (prm_msgid,pcis_orderno) VALUES(newID,’$msh_10′,”,”)”

                      Try a test and do like Steve suggested, have a variable for every insert parameter and make sure the variable is set to a real value of the proper data type.

                    • #74368
                      Jim Kosloskey


                        Try executing a sqlGetDiagRec command after the error to get clarification of what caused the SQL-ERROR to be thrown.

                        email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                      • #74369
                        Tom Gilbert

                          set insert “INSERT INTO PRM_PCIS_OrderNo_xRef (id,prm_msgid,pcis_orderno,insertdatetime) VALUES(newID,’$msh_10′,”,”)”

                          set err [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt $insert SQL_NTS]

                          What would be the best way to configure SQLGetDiagRec.  I keep getting wrong args… 😕

                          Thank you

                        • #74370
                          David Barr


                            odbc SQLGetDiagRec SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hstmt 1 SqlState NativeError MessageText 511 TextLength
                            echo ” ”

                          • #74371
                            Charlie Bursell

                              Doing ODBC is a lot like doing FTP.  If it doesn’t work from the client it won’t work in ODBC.  Don’t you have a client that you can test this on?

                              Is the id column numeric?  If so newID will not work.  If not numeric the it needs to be ‘newID’

                              A hint that will save you *MANY* hours.

                              If using a variable that could possible contain an apostrephe (‘), e.g. O’Conner, the apostrephes must be doubled or it will give you fits.  I always do something like:

                              set var [string map {‘ ”} $var]

                              Just in case

                            • #74372
                              Tom Gilbert

                                Thank you so much for helping…

                                I finally got the error: 2400 Invaled Cursor State

                                I used the following command to get the error:

                                set err2 [odbc SQLGetDiagRec SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hstmt 1 SqlState NativeError MessageText 511 TextLength]

                                echo err2 $err2

                                echo sqlstate $SqlState

                                echo nativeerror $NativeError

                                echo messagetext $MessageText

                                The SqlState gave me the error code…

                                Then I found the information and this is what I did to insert data:

                                set insert “INSERT INTO PRM_PCIS_OrderNo_xRef (prm_msgid,pcis_orderno) VALUES(‘$msh_10’,”)”

                                set err1 [odbc SQLCloseCursor $hstmt]

                                set err [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt $insert SQL_NTS]

                                echo err $err

                                echo err1 $err1

                                When I added the CloseCursor it added the data to the sql table correcly…

                                Hope this helps someone… 🙂

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