› Clovertech Forums › Read Only Archives › Cloverleaf › Cloverleaf › Insert command to a SQL database (Microsoft SQL) using TCL
Please Help!!!…
I am getting connected ok and I can do a fetch with no problem.
I am trying to insert data to the SQL table trying to use the following:
set err [odbc SQLExecute $hstmt “INSERT INTO $table (id,prm_msgid,pcis_orderno,insertdatetime) values(,$msh_10,,)” SQL_NTS]
Please help Need assistance on why it is not working… ❓
here’s a not for production example:
odbc SQLAllocEnv henv
odbc SQLAllocConnect $henv hdbc
set connectResponse [odbc SQLConnect $hdbc $dsn SQL_NTS $uid
if { [cequal $connectResponse “SQL_ERROR”] } {
echo ERROR: Unable to connect to !rn
error “ERROR: Unable to connect to !”
if { $ssn == “”} {
msgset $mh $msg
# need to insert number PID.4 into lwPendingAccts table
# from tpsCheckAcctOtherSys
odbc SQLAllocStmt $hdbc hstmt5
set insert “insert into lwPendingAccts (Dnumber, MsgSource)
VALUES (‘$IdNum’,’$MsgSource’)”
set rval [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt5 $insert SQL_NTS]
if {$rval == “SQL_ERROR” } {
echo “insert = $insert”
echo “error executing update table”
catch {odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hstmt5}
catch {odbc SQLDisconnect $hdbc }
catch {odbc SQLFreeConnect $hdbc }
catch {odbc SQLFreeEnv $henv }
return “{ERROR $mh}”
catch {odbc SQLFreeHandle SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hstmt5}
catch {odbc SQLDisconnect $hdbc }
catch {odbc SQLFreeConnect $hdbc }
catch {odbc SQLFreeEnv $henv }
return “{CONTINUE $mh}”
I am getting the following error:
Tcl callout error
erroCode: NONE
wrong # args: odbc SQLExecute hstmt
while executiong
“odbc SQLExecute $hstmt “INSERT INTO $table (id,prm_msgid,pcis_orderno,insertdatetime) values(,$msh_10,,)” SQL_NTS”
(procedure “vmctps_storemsgid_prm_kddh_orm” line 83)
invoked from within
Hello Steve, Thank you… I don’t get errors any more… The problem is that the data is not inserting into the table. I put some echo’s in there and can see a the echo’s before and after the ‘set insert….’ but did not actually insert…
Any thoughts…
Your values list has fewer arguments than your insert columns. They need to match.
“odbc SQLExecute $hstmt “INSERT INTO $table (id,prm_msgid,pcis_orderno,insertdatetime) values(,$msh_10,,)”
Try something like this:
“odbc SQLExecute $hstmt “INSERT INTO $table (id,prm_msgid,pcis_orderno,insertdatetime) values($id,$msh_10,$ordno,$datetime)”
Now I am getting an SQL Error when executing the odbc SQLExescDirect:
set insert “INSERT INTO PRM_PCIS_OrderNo_xRef (prm_msgid,pcis_orderno) VALUES(”,’$msh_10′,”,”)”
set err [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt $insert SQL_NTS]
echo err $err
$erro is equaling ‘SQL_ERROR’
I think Steve is pointing you in the right direction. I have never done this with TCL before, but thinking about it from a database perspective, in your original values you were leaving the insert value for the prm_msgid value blank because you have an auto-incrementing primary key field there.
Now that you have added a value of ” to your insert statement, you are technically trying to insert a string in a numeric field.
It seems like you need to pre-determine an ID value you can use in your insert. I am from the oracle world, and we had sequences we could use. In SQL Server it appears there may be an “IDENTITY” you can use, but I don’t know how it works.
In psuedo code:
newID = select from IDENTITY to get numeric value
set insert “INSERT INTO PRM_PCIS_OrderNo_xRef (prm_msgid,pcis_orderno) VALUES(newID,’$msh_10′,”,”)”
Try a test and do like Steve suggested, have a variable for every insert parameter and make sure the variable is set to a real value of the proper data type.
Try executing a sqlGetDiagRec command after the error to get clarification of what caused the SQL-ERROR to be thrown.
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.
set insert “INSERT INTO PRM_PCIS_OrderNo_xRef (id,prm_msgid,pcis_orderno,insertdatetime) VALUES(newID,’$msh_10′,”,”)”
set err [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt $insert SQL_NTS]
What would be the best way to configure SQLGetDiagRec. I keep getting wrong args… 😕
Thank you
odbc SQLGetDiagRec SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hstmt 1 SqlState NativeError MessageText 511 TextLength
echo ” ”
Doing ODBC is a lot like doing FTP. If it doesn’t work from the client it won’t work in ODBC. Don’t you have a client that you can test this on?
Is the id column numeric? If so newID will not work. If not numeric the it needs to be ‘newID’
A hint that will save you *MANY* hours.
If using a variable that could possible contain an apostrephe (‘), e.g. O’Conner, the apostrephes must be doubled or it will give you fits. I always do something like:
set var [string map {‘ ”} $var]
Just in case
Thank you so much for helping…
I finally got the error: 2400 Invaled Cursor State
I used the following command to get the error:
set err2 [odbc SQLGetDiagRec SQL_HANDLE_STMT $hstmt 1 SqlState NativeError MessageText 511 TextLength]
echo err2 $err2
echo sqlstate $SqlState
echo nativeerror $NativeError
echo messagetext $MessageText
The SqlState gave me the error code…
Then I found the information and this is what I did to insert data:
set insert “INSERT INTO PRM_PCIS_OrderNo_xRef (prm_msgid,pcis_orderno) VALUES(‘$msh_10’,”)”
set err1 [odbc SQLCloseCursor $hstmt]
set err [odbc SQLExecDirect $hstmt $insert SQL_NTS]
echo err $err
echo err1 $err1
When I added the CloseCursor it added the data to the sql table correcly…
Hope this helps someone… 🙂