Initialization of DBI failed – Process Panic

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  • Creator
  • #50863
    John Zalesak

    Running Cloverleaf 5.4.1P on HP-UX B.11.11

    We bounced the entire engine this morning (including the UNIX box itself).  Part of our routine includes “hcidbinit -CAfi” for every site.

    When we restarted the processes, two of them generated the error below (they were both the same error).  They were both in the same site and other processes in the site had already been started successfully.  After the error, we were able to start both of them without issue.

    Any thoughts on what is going on here?  Are we approaching a big issue that needs addressing???

    Scheduler State

    Thread Events     State      Priority Runnable  PT Msgs

      0      0   SCHED_IDLE         0       0       0,0,0

    Thread 0

    ti: 0x40315730

       tid           :    0

       HostPthreadId : 0x00000001

       EventList     : 0x40075ec0

       PolledEvents  : 0x40075f80

       PthreadEvent  : 0x40081288

       ReadyEvents   : 0x40075ed8

       CtrlMsgs      : 0x40075f38

       UserCtrlMsgs  : 0x40075f68

       UserDataMsgs  : 0x40075ef0

       StartArgs     : 0x00000000

       SchedState    : SCHED_IDLE

       SchedPriority : 0

       Killed        : 0

    Registered Events

    el: 0x40075ec0

       elCount : 1

       elHead: 0x400806c0

       elTail: 0x400806c0

    ele: 0x400806c0

       event: 0x40081288

       prev : 0x0

       next : 0x0

    ev: 0x40081288

        evType     : PTHREADS

        evStrDesc    :

        evSocket     : 0

        evMsgQue     : 0

        evTid        : 0

        evState      : 0

        evPtMsg      : 0x0

        evUserData   : 0x0

        evCallBack   : 0x0

        evCbShutdown : 0x0

        evRecurFreq  :

    Polled Events

    el: 0x40075f80

       elCount : 0

       elHead: 0x00000000

       elTail: 0x00000000

    Ready Events

    el: 0x40075ed8

       elCount : 0

       elHead: 0x00000000

       elTail: 0x00000000

    Outstanding Pthread Ctrl Msgs

    pmq: 0x40075f38

    Count   : 0

    Head    : 0x00000000

    Tail    : 0x00000000

    Outstanding Pthread User Ctrl Msgs

    pmq: 0x40075f68

    Count   : 0

    Head    : 0x00000000

    Tail    : 0x00000000

    Outstanding Pthread User Data Msgs

    pmq: 0x40075ef0

    Count   : 0

    Head    : 0x00000000

    Tail    : 0x00000000

    PANIC: Process panic—engine going down

    PANIC: assertion ‘0’ failed at main.cpp/241[/color]

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  • Author
    • #67815
      Gary Atkinson

      Were/are there any messages in the recovery database that belong to those processes?

    • #67816
      John Zalesak

      Gary Atkinson wrote:

      Were/are there any messages in the recovery database that belong to those processes?

      We do this monthly and have procedures in place to keep messages out before we take it down.

      We check the databases (hcidbdump) right before we take them down to make sure they are empty.

      A message could have snuck in, but at this point, I am not sure how to tell??  Is there a trail somewhere that would tell me???

      I would assume though that as soon as we came up and made a connection with the sending application, it had messages queued up to send us.

    • #67817
      Gary Atkinson

      I had this happen to me once when we lost power in our datacenter.  Only one of my processes had queued data in the recovery database.  I had to dump the messages before the process would start-up again.

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