IF data fetch produced multiple values

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  • Creator
  • #50504
    lisa sater

      Does anyone have any tcl that I can plug into the Xlate to get an idea of which of the 40 if statements is the one having an issue with producing multiple values?



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    • Author
      • #66356
        Tom Rioux


          One trick that I use is to put an echo statement in my xlate.  I put it in near the top and if I see the results of the echo statement, then I push it down a little further in my xlate until I find the culprit.

          Also, look at your IF statements and look for any that may not have the subfield designation on it (i.e. ..PID.#3.[0]).   Those can be potential problems.

          Hope this helps….

          Tom Rioux

        • #66357

          Also, try copying the xlate to a test file and then removing pieces of the code until you narrow it down.

          -- Max Drown (Infor)

        • #66358
          Jim Kosloskey


            I have used both of the techniques described by Tom and Max.

            For echoing, I have a small proc that’s only function in life is to echo out what is in the inbound pane of the COPY Action. It has a switch to tell it to echo or not.

            I use that a lot when I have complex nested ITERATEs and/or IFs. By having the switch, I can leave the proc in place and turn the switch off for normal execution and then when I need to make that next modification, I don’t need to remember where to lay my traps I just turn the switch back on at the appropriate places for the echoes I want.

            The binary technique Max describes is made a little easier to deal with using the Insert File capability in the Xlate.

            I think the ability to better cut and paste in Cloverleaf(R) 5.6 will make the binary technique easier to do as well.

            email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #66359
            Tom Rioux

              Another way instead of removing code, if you are on 5.6, just go down the line and deactivate/reactivate your IF statements until you find the one that is the culprit.  Then, once you have found it, reactivate it and make your corrections.  No need for copying, pasting, inserting or removing anything…including echo’s

              Hope this helps….

              Tom Rioux

            • #66360
              Chris Williams

                That IF data fetch error is coming from insufficient granularity in your address for the given data. One notorious culprit that we see in our organization is the use of an ampersand in an address or name field as part of the text without considering that it is a separator character (e.g., A & W Root Beer. 4th & Main St, etc). You could also have a repeating field and just be specifying the entire field instead of the specific repetition.

              • #66361
                Jim Kosloskey


                  I like that new feature in 5.6 – just getting started playing with 5.6 so I forgot about that.

                  Anyway Lisa, lot’s of ways to narrow it down – but no magic bullet.

                  email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #66362

                  A note on “deactivating” if statement. I think when you deactive the IF and not the statements in the body of the IF, the statements are still executed. You have to deactive each statement within the IF body, too. I think …

                  -- Max Drown (Infor)

                • #66363
                  Tom Rioux

                    I just tried to deactivate an IF statement.  It grays out the IF statement along with all of the statements included with the IF.

                    Tom Rioux

                  • #66364
                    Rob Abbott

                      Tom is correct.  If you deactivate any node that has statements underneath (IF, iterate, etc) all the statements nested underneath are deactivated as well.

                      Rob Abbott
                      Cloverleaf Emeritus

                    • #66365

                      I know it shows as deactivated, but I think the statements in the body are still executed when a message flows through. I definitely could be wrong, but I think I ran into that problem awhile ago.

                      -- Max Drown (Infor)

                    • #66366
                      Tom Rioux

                        Max and Rob,

                        I just did a simple test.  I had an IF node in an xlate with one statement underneath.  When I deactivated the IF node, the statement below it did not get executed.

                        Hope this helps…

                        Tom Rioux

                      • #66367
                        Rob Abbott

                          Max Drown wrote:

                          I know it shows as deactivated, but I think the statements in the body are still executed when a message flows through. I definitely could be wrong, but I think I ran into that problem awhile ago.

                          If you can reproduce this please let us know.  That does not sound like it is working as designed.

                          Rob Abbott
                          Cloverleaf Emeritus

                        • #66368

                          I tried to reproduce it, but I can’t. Seems to be working fine. It might have been some weird situation or more likely I was mistaken.

                          -- Max Drown (Infor)

                        • #66369
                          Femina Jaffer

                            Hello everyone,

                            I encountered the exact same error, and it happened to be exactly what Chris suggested – an AMPERSAND in the field (OBX 5).  The questions is how to I fix this to avoid this error and make the IF work?

                            All I want to do is check if OBX 5 is NULL, IF SO THEN REMOVE THE ENTIRE OBX SEGMENT:

                            e.g.  IF 1(0).1(0).1(%g1).OBX.00573.[0] eq @null

                                   PATHCOPY -> 1(0).1(0).1(%g1).OBX

                            VALUE FOUND IN OBX5 – “for Ova & Parasite Exam “

                            Thank you,

                            Femina Jaffer

                          • #66370
                            John Mercogliano


                               In an If statement you can narrow your search to



                              The extra .[0] takes into account the extra subfield that might exists.

                              John Mercogliano
                              Sentara Healthcare
                              Hampton Roads, VA

                            • #66371
                              Femina Jaffer

                                Thank you, John.  I will give this a try.

                                Thanks again.


                              • #66372
                                Ian Morris

                                  John’s fix did not work for me.  I’m looking through OBX segments for “PROCEDURE: …..           DESC:…..”.  I’m doing it with a Xlate if-statement:


                                  (IF) 1(%g1).OBX(%s2).#5(0).[0] ct=PROCEDURE: && 1(%g1).OBX(%s2).#5(0).[0] ct=DESC:

                                  The problem is that I get a “multiple values” error if I hit a segment with a “&” symbol.

                                  Any tips on how to address this problem?

                                • #66373
                                  Gary Atkinson

                                    add in pre-proc before translation and change the & to T.  Run message through translation.  In post-proc change T back to &.  I use a table to make this easier to maintain.  table of segs and fields to check for “&”

                                  • #66374
                                    Ian Morris

                                      Gary Atkinson wrote:

                                      add in pre-proc before translation and change the & to T.

                                    • #66375
                                      Gary Atkinson

                                        You could also try to go back to the vendor and tell them “hey your not following the standard” and see where that gets ya.  I have been down that route before with no luck.  I have attached the proc I have used before when I did xlate work, its arg driven (use at your own risk, yada yada yada…) 8)


                                      • #66376
                                        Ian Morris

                                          That is helpful.  Thank you for the proc.

                                        • #66377
                                          Gary Atkinson

                                            Not a problem.  Good Luck!

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