I’ve been using Cloverleaf for about 4 months now. The other day I modified a xlate(introduced a phone nbr format tcl call from xlate) and bounced the source process which was using the xlate. All was fine except that an hour later I got a call from our testing team that another interface stopped working. When I investigated the issue I found the source thread of the interface that was having trouble was also using the same xlate I modified but was in a different process which I didn’t bounce. So, the messages were erring out on the phone format tcl call. Lucky this was in non-prod. So, no damage done.
So, my question is what are some of the ways in which I can identify if a particluar xlate is being used by what processess/site.
Talking to one my team member one way is go to each site and search the NetConfig for the xlate and find the source thread and process name. But, this is bit time consuming as we have about 10 sites and I’ll need to do repeat the process on 10 NetConfigs
Are there other ways to find this information? What is the most efficient way?
TIA for your reply.