› Clovertech Forums › Read Only Archives › Cloverleaf › Cloverleaf › IDE wont connect to linux host
An unexpected exception occurred during the login process.
The exception shown below was caught.
Unable to establish a connection to the host server:; nested exception is:
com.hie.cloverleaf.securityserver.NoCloverleafSrvException: Unable to contact Server on server:; nested exception is:
java.rmi.ConnectIOException: Cannot connect to host: //
Is this address in your /etc/hosts file? It may be how you have your name resolution configured.
Also, verify the Cloverleaf host-server is running on the server to which you are trying to connect.
Host Server is running
…from the command prompt on the server.
I double checked. is in the /etc/hosts file on the remote server and hciss shows that the host server is running but that the security server is not running. Did try to start the security server with hciss -s s, it indicates that it starts but a follow up hciss shows that its not running.
This is a new site installed by the vendor that I’m trying to connect to on the remote server. Any ideas on something they may have overlooked?
Checked /etc/services and noticed there was no entry for port 13015. Could this be the problem? What should the entry look like?
Can you PING and TELNET to the server from your client?
If not, its definitely not a Cloverleaf related issue.
Also, verify that your site license certificates exist in $HCIROOT/server/certs. There should be a key, cert, info and req file for your organization in this directory. The name or acronym of your oganization is usually part of the file names. These must exist before you can connect to the server with the JAVA GUI Client. However, I’m not sure your error indicates a problem with the Security or License certificates.
My suggestion is to contact QDX support for further assistance. If none of this works.
We don’t have our Port defined in /etc/services either.
I can ping but not telnet to the Linus host server.
but can connect with Putty tool using SSH.
Below are the contents of my laptop client.ini file and various server .ini files and directories.
#### xp laptop client.ini
$type client.ini
### certs directory on Linux host is empty.
$cd /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator/client/certs
$ls -la
### contents of client.ini on Linux host server
$cd /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator/client
$ cat client.ini
### contents of linux host server.ini file
$cd /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator/server
$ cat server.ini
### license file exists on Linux host server
$ pwd /quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator/vers
$ ls
db license.dat
Would firewalls need to be adjusted to allow traffice on 13015?
Looks like you have Security disabled, so that shouldn’t be the problem.
If you are trying to connect to the Linux server from outside your network, you might need a firewall hole. However, if you are using VPN, then I don’t think a firewall change should be necessary.
I’ve pretty much exhausted my knowledge on what could be wrong. I suggest contacting QDX support. Jimmy has helped us with Certificate and Security issues in the past.
Good luck
Enabling port 13015 on the firewall fixed earlier problem. Now I’m getting following error when trying to connect to the Linux host server from my laptop:
An unexpected exception occurred during the login process.
The exception shown below was caught.
Connection refused to host:; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
If you only opened one “hole” or port in firewall, then that is probably the issue.
IDE uses two ports for communication. Here is a netstat listing for my IDE connection from my workstation. It is communicating on two ports. Also, not sure if it uses the same two ports each time you try to connect.
tcp4 0 0 uh2.org.46866 d79b1.org.4937 ESTABLISHED
tcp4 0 0 uh2.org.53062 d79b1.org.1143 ESTABLISHED
My workstation is d79b1 in this example.
For AIX, command is…. netstat | grep workstationID
Sorry about digging up an old thread.
But this is the only one with the similar error message.
Cloverleaf 5.8.7 on Solaris 10.
Getting this when using the client to access the server which is behind a firewall:
An unexpected exception occurred during the login process.
The exception shown below was caught.
Connection refused to host: sgclvpr0; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
~~~~END ERROR~~~~
Have already included these lines in server.ini:
Firewall rule has already been added to allow “all” to access the server on port 13019. And it is also allowing bi-directional traffic.
Host server and daemons and other processes are running.
Any ideas? Any other ports need to be opened?
Enabling port 13015 on the firewall fixed earlier problem. Now I’m getting following error when trying to connect to the Linux host server from my laptop:
An unexpected exception occurred during the login process.
The exception shown below was caught.
Connection refused to host:; nested exception is:
java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect
This post has information about the port numbers used by the client:
More infor:
Machine IPs:
Server 1: sgclvpr1 (
Server 2: sgclvpr2 (
Server 3: sgclvpr3 ( <—behind firewall
Service Hostname: sgclvpr0
Client works fine on Server 1 and 2, but not 3.
Tried the steps given:
HCI root is /quovadx/cis5.8/integrator
HCI master site is helloworld
HCI site is hcitest
hcitest@sgclvpr3:/home/hcitest>uname -a
SunOS sgclvpr3 5.10 Generic_148888-05 sun4v sparc sun4v
hcitest@sgclvpr3:/home/hcitest>ping -s sgclvpr0
PING sgclvpr0: 56 data bytes
64 bytes from sgclvpr0.shses.shs.com.sg ( icmp_seq=0. time=0.213 ms
64 bytes from sgclvpr0.shses.shs.com.sg ( icmp_seq=1. time=0.184 ms
64 bytes from sgclvpr0.shses.shs.com.sg ( icmp_seq=2. time=0.151 ms
64 bytes from sgclvpr0.shses.shs.com.sg ( icmp_seq=3. time=0.155 ms
—-sgclvpr0 PING Statistics—-
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (ms) min/avg/max/stddev = 0.151/0.176/0.213/0.029
hcitest@sgclvpr3:/home/hcitest>hcireglist 13019
Trying anonymous registry on host at port 13019
Trying registry on host at port 13019
Registry=RegistryImpl_Stub[UnicastRef [liveRef: [endpoint:[](remote),objID:[0:0:0, 0]]]]
RemoteCloverleafServer_Stub[UnicastRef [liveRef: [endpoint:[](remote),objID:[-66b0f17e:142e1efe086:-7fff, -6125884924126111243]]]]
Host “” a.k.a:
Other than port 13019, any other ports needs to be opened?
Other than port 13019, any other ports needs to be opened?
Yes, you will need to be able to access every port in the local port range of your server. On Linux this is set in /etc/sysctl.conf under the net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range setting.
The Cloverleaf server starts accepting connections on port 13019, but then it tells the clients to open additional connections to ports that are assigned dynamically. They are assigned from the local port range.
Thanks David!!!!!
Now my firewall admin will faint…..(again)
Support came back with these settings in the server.ini:
host_server_default_port=34510 (as an example)
rmi_exported_server_port=’clustered hostname’
The Cloverleaf server starts accepting connections on port 13019, but then it tells the clients to open additional connections to ports that are assigned dynamically. They are assigned from the local port range.
I’m not sure this is 100% accurate. I believe that the Cloverlreaf hostserver itself actually establishes the connection back out to the client on a new, randomly assigned port. This is often a problem for firewalls that block connections initialized from the server-side instead of from the client-side.
I have actually asked R&D to look into doing it the way you stated, send the port number to the client, but have the client establish the connection on that port.
You can force the hostserver to use port 13019 (or the assigned port) by setting this line in the server.ini or by checking the “Host Server routes traffic” box in the Server Administrator tool.
Here is a complete set of firewall settings I’ve used in successfully in the past. Your mileage may vary so be prepared to make tweaks.
-- Max Drown (Infor)
No. You don’t. This forces ALL traffic to one port, the port used by the hostserver.
-- Max Drown (Infor)
One and All,
We are running on AIX 6.1 TL 7 virtualized.
Just a note on our experience with these settings.
We use Net Motion from our Windows 7 clients to establish secure VPN connections with our LAN.
In order for us to get back displayed test results in the IDE testing tool
functions (hciroutetest, hcitpstest, etc.) when working remotely and connected by VPN tunnel, INFOR support supplied us the following setting:
Apparently this port is hard-wired into the software – deep secrets not revealed. Anyway this is working for us. We do get back our test results
in the IDE.
The default port numbers change from version to version so that running two versions of Cloverleaf on the same server do not conflict.
-- Max Drown (Infor)
Here is some more info.
There are three ports used by the hostserver:
RMI Registry Port: Defaults to 13019 in 5.8 and 13020 in 6.0 and can be changed to any number in server.ini.
RMI Object Port: Random port. If host server runs behind firewall, the port should be explicitly specified in server.ini.
RMI Callback Port: Introduced in 5.8.5 to make the callback behavior work in firewall environment. If the port is not specified, host server will choose a random port and create a connection from server to the client when callback is executed. If the port is specified, the connection is established from client to server. Just as you said, the connection from server to client will be blocked by firewall always. Therefore, the RMI callback port should be also specified in server.ini in firewall environment.
The hcimonitord traffic is using random ports and cannot be forced to use a specified port or range. If a firewall exists, choose
-- Max Drown (Infor)
Here are my notes in .pdf format.
-- Max Drown (Infor)