Place a SUPPRESS Action at the beginning of your Xlate.
ITERATE over the ORC Group. At the end of the ORC logic before the ORC ITERATE ends, issue a CONTINUE Action.
The Xlate will always try to produce a message. Using the CONTINUE you are taking control of when messages will be produced within the Xlate so the SUPPRESS unilaterally executed cause the message the Xlate would produce on its own (in this cas a copy of the last message you CONTINUE) to be SUPPRESSed.
Use a CONTINUE instead of a SEND. The CONTINUE causes each message to pass on to the next processing step in Cloverleaf (post-Xlate), the SEND causes the message to go immediately to the destination thread.
I cover this and more in my Xlate ITERATE Class.
email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.