I am having trouble processing the ACK. The warning I get is “[pd :pdtd: WARN/0:p7_test_immunizations_o: 12/28/2012 09:14:03] Timed out while awaiting replies on thread. Resending reserved OB Message.”
For the ACK, I have been using the standard cloverleaf cl_check_ack procedure in the Inbound Replies section of the Outbound tab. The checkmark for Await Replies is checked. This is the typical setup we use for the traditional HL7 acks.
I think I have seen reference to a TCL script that should be used for interpreting http acknowledgements instead of the usual cl_check_ack.
If anyone can confirm that I need a different type of TCL script for the acknowledgments I would appreciate it. If that is the case, I would also REALLY appreciate an example of the http ack script.
Thanks in advance.