Http Thread

  • Creator
  • #47747
    Brad Dorr

      Has anyone created a thread that talks to a WEB page?  Can you send me some examples?  I would like to create a simple WEB page to stop and start threads, etc..  I see that there is a HTTP protocol you can use on the threads, but I don’t know anything more about it.  ANy info would be useful.  Thanks, for your time.

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    • Author
      • #56605
        David Barr

          Here’s a simple web page that starts threads.  It is a CGI script.


          echo ‘Content-type: text/plain’
          echo ”
          export QUOVADX_INSTALL_DIR=/hci/qdx5.2
          setsite nrh_dvlp
          hcicmd -p aegis -c ‘aegis_to_invision_dvlp pstart’

        • #56606
          Brad Dorr

            Thanks for the script, but what I am looking for is some sample WEB code and how to configure a thread to talk to that WEB page.  I would like to be able to click on a WEB button which will start or stop a thread for example.  I don’t know much about WEB pages nor how to design a thread to connect to that WEB Page.



            David Barr wrote:

            Here’s a simple web page that starts threads.

          • #56607
            David Barr

              Is your Cloverleaf system running on Windows or Unix (AIX)?

            • #56608
              Brad Dorr

                We have 3 AIX Engines and 1 Windows.  I am mainly concerned about the 3 AIX ones for now.  I will worry about the windows one later.  It only has 2 interfaces on it, the others have over 300 interface in total.

              • #56609
                Jonathan Hamilton


                  It’s simple to do however you do not use the HTTP protocol.  As David alluded to you need to execute some form of cgi script for your commands.  You will also need the AIX HTTPServer (or other HTTP Server) installed/running on the Cloverleaf server to process requests.

                  For the web code start with a form and submit button.


                  I would help you more but you know why I won’t.  Be careful about being to ambitious it may come back to bite you. 😮


                • #56610
                  Charlie Bursell

                    Look in the $HCIROOT/web directory for some examples of perl CGI scripts to communicate with the engine via Filset/Local and TCP/IP.

                    As I stated, these are examples, not cookie cutters.  But it will give you some ideas.


                  • #56611


                      Here’s how to connect to a web server using the HTTP Client.

                      You should probably turn on “enable_all” for your engine output alias so that there’s lots of stuff in the log to look at.

                      Select the HTTP Client driver for protocol and press the properties button.

                      Type in a URL like “

                      Then pick a query TPS:  httpQuery

                      And arguments:  {MSGUSE DATA}

                      Save and run the thread.  Resend something.  I like to send the pid file since it’s right there and is only one line.

                      When I did this from linux it gave me an error, a 404, which means that ebay didn’t like my request.  When I did this from W2K ebay sent me their home page.  Either way, you’re talking to the web server.

                    • #56612
                      Mark Thompson


                        I tried out the examples in $HCIROOT/web.  They look great, but when I run them (Cloverleaf 5.3 on AIX 5.1) my apache server keeps logging the error “QUOVADX_INSTALL_DIR is not set. Exit.”  I have QUOVADX_INSTALL_DIR defined in /etc/environment.  Is there somewhere else it needs to be set so the and scripts will run?

                        - Mark Thompson

                      • #56613
                        Charlie Bursell

                          It looks like Apache is not reading the /etc/environment file.  Put it in the .profile of the Apache user or in the Apache Config.

                          If not, put code in the script to read the etc/enviroment file and get ir from there

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