Did anyone offer you a solution for this issue? I am having the exact same problem with my HRL.
I am trying to convert a comma delimited file that looks like this:
EP0184829834,10923684,03/28/1945,”lname, fname”,6.60,412,chole with CDE
to an HL7 ORU, with the last 3 fields as the repeating OBX.5 result.
I have the first 4 fields in a VRL called “fields”.
I have the next 3 fields in a VRL called “obx”.
The HRL has the “fields” without repeating, and it works fine.
The HRL then has “obx” repeat 3 times. NO DATA will show in the testing tool for the repeating fields.
I have added the segment terminator in the Global options, which got rid of an error, but no luck on getting the data to show up in the testing tool.