I am trying to create a csv file out of pharmacy charge messages that error out due to a missing required field in the FT1 segment. I am trying to send these messages to the error database and make a csv file for the pharmacy dept to enter them manually in our financial systerm.
The issue I am having is in setting up the HRL for the outbound in the Xlate. The Xlate has DFT P03 as inbound and HRL as outbound, as I have to output a header for column heading and a bunch of rows all comma delimited. My outbound HRL comprises of two VRL’s – the header (never repeats, just the column headings) and footer is one that repeats for how many ever messages we find in error. So what is basis for the Repeat condtion in the HRL below? The cerner_chg_rpt.vrl has the MRN, Patient Name, DOB, Date of Service, Charge code and Description and Dose defined in it. If got HRL’s right, the repeat is based on a repeating value in the inbound HL7 message, but how do I set this up in the outbound HRL?