PO_H – Purchase Order (PO) Header
PO_I – PO Instructions
PO_L – PO Lines
PO_L_L – PO Line Lot
PO_L_S – PO Line Scheduled Deliveries
PO_L_DESC – PO Line Descriptions
A PO_H can have multiple PO_I and PO_L. A PO_L can have multiple
PO_L_L, PO_L_S, and PO_L_DESC.
Data Sample:
PO_H ~Retransmit~RM~MISFL …
PO_I ~RM~0000001337~00001~…
PO_I ~RM~0000001337~00003~…
PO_L_D ~RM~0000001337~00001~…
PO_L ~RM~CNL ~0000001337…
PO_L_D ~RM~0000001337~00001~…
PO_L ~RM~CNL ~0000001337…
PO_L ~RM~CNL ~0000001337…
One suggestion that I have been given is to write a proc to convert the proprietary record layout to HL7. This will be very time consuming. I’m wondering if anyone has any other suggestions to simplify this task and still use Cloverleaf tool functionality?