How to Split ORU into ORM and ORU???

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  • #48625

      Hello to All,

      I have a situation where I receive an ORU message and need to split it into an ORM and an ORU message. I need to be sure that the ORM message is forwarded before the ORU message. Can anyone tell me the best way to accomplish this? Can this be done within an Xlate or do I need a pre-TCL proc? I am looking for any suggestions.

      Thanks for all the help in advance,

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      • #59204
        Jim Kosloskey


          You can do this within an Xlate. It really depneds on how your outbound variant looks.

          Typically the ORM and ORU are structurally quite close. If you can, devise an outbound variant which can be used for either.

          Then, at the start of your Xlate, build your ORM (change the MSH Message/Event Type filed to contain the value ‘ORM’). COPY, etc. all of the appropriate fields for the ORM. Then issue a CONTINUE Action. That will send along the ORM message.

          Next (in the same Xlate), build your ORU (Make sure to put ‘ORU’ in the appropriate MSH field). COPY, etc. all of the appropriate fields for the ORU. No need for a CONTINUE here as the Xlate will send the last message you were building (the ORU) by default.


          You can build two xlates. One which builds the ORU and one that builds the ORM. Stack the two in the Routing properties (ORM first I think).

          I don’t think there is any need for Tcl.

          Jim Kosloskey

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #59205
          Dave Zibble

            I once had a need to get a patient into to a system before the order arrived.  I did this as Jim said by creating two Xlates.  There was plenty of data in the PID segment of the order message to create an A08 that would post.  By placing the ADT Xlate first in the routing table,  that message was sent first.  

            Also, its easier to keep track of your magic when you can see it on the route properties.

          • #59206

              Jim / Dave

              I think creating 2 Xlates is the best way (easier to maintain) but you both said to put both Xlates in the routing list. I have never done this – do you mean in the Route Messages tab in the Network Configurator? Dave indicated that the messages are processed and sent in the same sequence as they are listed. Is this right? I’m just trying to be clear on where I need to specify the Xlates.

              Thanks for the 2 Xlate option.

            • #59207
              Dave Zibble

                Yes and Yes.  You’ll see in this screen shot the first route detail entry is the ADT.  


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