I have a thread that route (upoc tclproc) the HL7 messages depending of the “sending facility” from the MSH segment.
I have one route for AAA, a second route for BBB but for the remaining trxId I want to send them to a generate route with hcitpsmsgkill.
I try the _HCI_static_route_ but the messages for AAA and BBB are sent too to this route detail (and the others too), great but I would like to do it more cleanly (no wasting cpu time to kill the AAA and BBB messages)
I just want to route the messages that aren’t from AAA and BBB to be send to this route
I try the following pattern routes without any success:
.[^AAA]|[BBB] + wild card on
but I got “No routes defined…”
Need help, thx