How to filter A01 message when the room or bed is missing

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  • Creator
  • #55488
    Amdy Diene

    Hi all, I need a script to filter messages A01, A02, A12, A13, when the room or bed is missing from the message.

    Thank you

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  • Author
    • #85536
      Linus Betschart

      if you are doing it with an xlate you can just do a bulk copy, then an IF statement, and within the IF statement (missing bed) you do a suppress action. thats it.  ðŸ™‚

    • #85537
      Amdy Diene

      Thank you Linus, but I was looking for an sample of a script that does that.  I am new to using Cloverleaf again after several years since version 3.7.

    • #85538
      Kevin Crist

      Hi Andy,

      Not sure of your level of tcl but here is one that you should just have to modify a little to hopefully meet your needs or get started at least.


      # Name: tpsKillA31WithPV1Empty
      # Purpose: Kills all A31’s going to CareManager that have no information
      #           in the PV1 segment..
      # UPoC type: tps
      # Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
      #       MODE    run mode (”start”, “run” or “time”)
      #       MSGID   message handle
      # Returns: tps disposition list:
      # KILL when ADT = A31 and patient has no PV1 information  
      # CONTINUE all others

      proc tpsKillA31WithPV1Empty { args } {
      keylget args MODE mode               ;# Fetch mode
          global HciConnName
          set procName “tpsKillA31WithPV1Empty”
      set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return
      set foundA31 {}
      set assignedPatientLocation {}

      switch -exact — $mode {
      start {
      # Perform special init functions
      # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args

      run {
      # ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
      keylget args MSGID mh

      set msgtext  [msgget $mh]
      set fieldsep [crange $msgtext 3 3]
      set subfieldsep [crange $msgtext 4 4]
      set segments [split $msgtext “r”]

      foreach seg $segments {
                   if {[cequal [crange $seg 0 2] “MSH”]} {
                # this segment (seg) is MSH
                # get the field data
                   set data [split $seg $fieldsep]
                   set field [lindex $data 8]
                   set data [split $field $subfieldsep]
                   set triggerType [lindex $data 0]
                   set triggerEvent [lindex $data 1]

           # Check for an ADT and A31 trigger Event.
             if {[cequal $triggerType “ADT”] && [cequal $triggerEvent “A31″]} then {
             set foundA31 “YES”
      #echo foundA31: $foundA31
        } elseif {[cequal [crange $seg 0 2] “PID”]} {
                # this segment (seg) is PID
                   set data [split $seg $fieldsep]
                   set patientAccount [lindex $data 18]
                   set patientName [lindex $data 5]
        } elseif {[cequal [crange $seg 0 2] “PV1″]} {
                # this segment (seg) is PV1
                   set data [split $seg $fieldsep]
             #      set patientType [lindex $data 2]
                   set assignedPatientLocation [lindex $data 2]

           # Check for a Assigned Patient Location.
             if {[cequal $assignedPatientLocation “”]} then {
             set assignedPatientLocation “NO”

           # If the ADT trigger event is an A31 and the assigned patient location is not loaded then
           # kill the message, otherwise continue it.  

           if {[cequal $foundA31 “YES”] && [cequal $assignedPatientLocation “NO”]} {
      #        puts $msgtext
                       puts “$HciConnName\$procName – KILLING A31 for patient: $patientName – $patientAccount”
                               lappend dispList “KILL $mh”
      #              } else {
      #        puts $msgtext
      #                  puts “$HciConnName\$procName – CONTINUING ADT for Patient: $patientName – $patientAccount”
      #                  echo
                       lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”
             return $dispList

      time {
      # Timer-based processing
      # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args

      shutdown {
         # Doing some clean-up work

      default {
      error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in tpsKillA31WithPV1Empty”

      return $dispList

    • #85539
      Amdy Diene

      This is what I was looking for.


    • #85540
      David Barr

      You could use my expression filter proc and call it with these arguments:


      { EXPRESSION { (%PV1.3.2% ne ” && %PV1.3.3% ne ”) || [lsearch -exact { A01 A02 A12 A13 } %MSH.9.2%] < 0 } }

    • #85541
      Kevin Crist

      can i get a copy by chance? That looks interesting.


    • #85542
      Amdy Diene

      Dave, I got your EXPRESSION filter, thank you.

    • #85543
      David Barr

      See this thread for more information:

      This also requires that you install the HL7 parser from this thread:

      I normally would call this on the route from your inbound thread to your outbound thread.

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