How to exclude segment groups if BULKCOPY is used?

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf How to exclude segment groups if BULKCOPY is used?

  • Creator
  • #118291
    DS Hunt

      I inherited an Xlate using a BULKCOPY  (yuck).

      I need only send INx grouping that are active insurances (IN1.13=NULL).

      The code I inherited to suppress the inactive insurance groups is:

      ITERATE    Type: group, Basis:  5(0).0,  Variable:  %g1

      IF 5(0).0(%g1).IN1(0).#13(0).[0] ne @null

      PATHCOPY  @null  5(0).0(%g1).IN1(0)

      PATHCOPY  @null  5(0).0(%g1).IN2(0)

      PATHCOPY  @null  5(0).0(%g1).IN3(0)


      Running this code results in:

      IN1 (nothing else in this segment – this is the INx group to be skipped over since IN1-13 <> NULL)

      IN1|2|normal segment from this point, IN1-13 = NULL

      IN2|2|normal segment from this point and is the IN2 that belongs to the IN1 immediately above


      Without having to rewrite the XLATE and replace the BULKCOPY with COPY/PATHCOPY, what are my options for preventing the creation of the NULL IN1 segment?  I understand that by skipping over IN1 segment groups with terminated insurances, my output may include IN1 segments with set IDs skipped over and not in sequence – sometimes this is not an issue for the downstream system.


      Thanks in advance.

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    • Author
      • #118292
        Jim Kosloskey

          Change the Variant to make the IN1 segment in question to be Optional.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #118298
          DS Hunt

            Thanks, Jim. Simple and elegant! Works like a champ. Never crossed my mind to mess with the “official” variant.

          • #118299
            Jim Kosloskey

              Well I hope you have your own variant and have not modified the released variant.

              Obviously without BULKCOPY the solution could change.


              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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